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Good Governance

JR Lobo likely to be chosen for Parliament Election!? Viewpoint by NV Paulose Political predictions are very complex and the equations are fluctuating even at the last moment but...

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Humility and Unity are the outcomes in the aftermath of flood in Kerala and Kodagu; says Prof. Joseph Mechirath, Principal of The Yenepoya School at Mangalore. Me has become...

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Transformation of Politicians is the need of the hour: Dr. CP Habeeb Rahman By Uttam Vishwas    Transformation of politicians is an important requirement today. It is the only...

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Proportionate is beautiful and disproportionate is ugly! Beauty is a proportionate concept and anything can become beautiful when it is in right proportion! Macro Vision Micro Action You know...

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Hand to Mouth poor Economy has to change to a luxury system wherein people are earning and spending to make the economy vibrant. Change from day package to hourly...

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India should move ahead from today’s vertical and horizontal development models. We should create circles and cycles with right kinds of multiple combinations! Circles and Cycles An Expansion Method...

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 Correspondent : Varun Kedige Video Editor : Mokshan Polali  Direction : NV Paulose Global TV is initiating a new series of episodes in Memory of one of our...

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Sometime immediate and some time delayed but justice has to come and deliver it at the footsteps of the upright and truthful. By NV Paulose Sometime immediate and some...

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Who is going transform India and build the nation to become a role model for the entire world? Climbing up and Reaching Success is the Mission Kerala and Kodagu...

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Opportunity behind the face of disastrous flood threats!! By Santos Kumar Pattanayak / NV Paulose Chinese word is the same for both difficulty and opportunity. The word interestingly justifies...

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