Intellectual Bank | of Your City | For eg: Intellectual Bank of Mangalore | Human Capital | Open Space Organizations | Working for the Common Cause | Collective Thinking | Massive Action | Global TV

Posted on: April 19, 2023

How long do we focus only on Finance Capital? When will we start to give importance to Human Capital? Who will take initiative? Is there any set mechanism for that?

Dr. Oommen Mammen / NV Paulose

it is time for Intellectual Banks and Open Space organizations. There is no specific location required for offices or operations. Campuses should take lead role in the process. Students to get experience and exposure is the primary aim of Intellectual Banks (IB) and Open Space Organizations (OSO) at every place.

Intellectual Banks and Open Space Organizations should be City Centric. Whoever welcomes are benefited out of Intellectual Banks and open space organizations. Organizations get large marketing forces without paying salaries. They need to pay rewards based only on performances and outcomes.

Youngsters need not pay rent for start up spaces. This is a mutual collaboration between everyone who has not crossed their potential capacities and possible business levels. One need not retire even when you are saturated. Keep doing additional contribution towards society building processes.

expansion through Open Space Organizations is a great idea. Intellectual Bank is the beginning of your transformation. Go ahead with large expansion plans by pooling optimal levels of Intellectual Banking. Involve every employee in the process of creating more operation circles and teams.

Time Sensitive and Time Bound


HuNet; Internet Plus is a great idea. Use Internet But go beyond. Let end user watch High Resolution Videos at Home Theatres and Campus Theatres. Mobile Videos and Theatre Videos are entirely different.

A four Role Collaboration will do the magic. One can play all four roles but on priority; just like the sensory priorities like Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic. PSRD is the short form of the Media Roles facilitating Intellectual Banks and Open Space Organizations.


You can play the role of Producers, Subscribers, Resellers and Distributors. Making Real Films in high resolution is the idea. Let people tell their real stories. There is no need of writing BOGUS STORIES. We have plenty of amazing stories that are original and unbelievable. Every achiever has a story to tell; in fact, many stories to tell. Produce them; Subscribe them; Resell them; and Distribute them!

Preserve Stories for Centuries. Civilizations are formed around stories. No stories means their is no history. Let us know true stories instead of believing in artificially created stories.

Is your City an Intellectual City?

How many cities in India are Intellectual Cities? There are many. Are the Intellectuals a commonwealth of the society? Are the intellectuals very much self-centered? Are some of them other-centric or socially centered? Let us collectively launch the concept of an Intellectual Bank. It is a consortium of people who are interested to contribute a portion of their time for the common good of their society. Naturally it will benefit them and their institutions. Someone saying they are selfless, we should watch them very close and very careful. Very rarely only such people appear on earth. We need not be selfless entirely. Better we have enlightened self interest.

Concept of Intellectual Bank is promoted from Mangalore but it belongs to every city in India and abroad. Whoever form an IB are free to do it. Those who wish to collaborate with Global TV can do so. We are Headquartered at Mangalore City. Mangalore is an Intellectual City. We can call Mangalore one of the Intellectual Capitals of India and the World. Plenty of Mangalore Intellectuals are serving in key positions across the globe. At the very same time, there are plenty of resources untapped in the city of Mangalore. When everyone is focused on building their own organization, who will focus on society building? How many trusted politicians we have in our country altogether?

Establishments are Under Utilized | They are disconnected from Common People | All because they are operating on the Theory of Scarcity in a World of Abundance |

The New Mangalore Port is underutilized. It has no impact on the life of the common people. No one is talking transparently about the possibilities of port-related opportunities for the common good. In fact, Mangalore can become a hub of Organic Food Export since we have a large port here. Port is for Export. What else? Land and Natural Resources wasted in Mangalore are very large. No thinking is going along those lines. All because of the absence of a socio-economic culture that takes care of the common good.

Even Cruise Tourism has remained in the limited thinking of a few ordinary travel agents. Large society is kept themselves away from the thinking process. Plenty of expansion programs can be linked when options are open to the public. Ideas cannot be restricted to the top end of any organization’s ladder. People are good at the top to bottom but they are not getting into the terrain of possibilities. This is because of their comfort levels. People perform only when they are desperate and in need of an outcome.

There are plenty of people who are truly concerned about the well-being of others. Plenty of Teachers give a lot of time to take care of their students. Some of the work is much beyond their office hours. They enjoy it when their students are well-nurtured. This attitude is seen very much in other professions as well.

Informality and Flexibility are two Key Principles | Name someone or something once born and survived

The British way are killing enthusiasm of Indian people at the very beginning itself is still continued in our country. Even when the Governments take desperate steps about inspiring Start Ups and Skill training; the system top to bottom are still following the British Model. There is no where you get support for doing anything. The system demands us to name the children before they are born. How to name the millions of sperms while they are at struggle to reach their destination? One or few wins and all others reforms into various other forms. Everything in the universe is created in the same line.

We should go informal to a large level until every idea become stable and rewarding. Start up and IB just like a friends club. Think about the possibilities. Check how to connect them with existing systems. Go for individual initiatives only when it becomes very huge and promising. Keep them complimentary as much possible. This will help to avoid unnecessary establishment expenses.

Connect: Dr. Oommen Mammen 96336 78896 / NV Paulose – 98441 82044

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