We are not accountable for people; says the smart city chief | Decision making are all done by a board that is irresponsible about protection of nature | Large destruction of mangroves and natural habitats across the coastline |

Posted on: January 31, 2024

People are uniting against Corruption and demanding for Transparency and Accountability | Smart City Projects were questioned for violations of procedures and atrocities against Nature | Global TV

Direct Reporting | Open for discussion

Mangroves are the lifelines of the coastal ecosystem. They consist of salt-tolerant trees, shrubs, and other vegetation that grow in intertidal zones, where land and sea meet. There is large destruction of mangroves happening at coastline, as we can see them destroyed in Mangalore coast on an ongoing basis.

Mangroves play a crucial role in protecting coastlines from erosion by stabilizing sediments with their roots and buffering against storm surges and waves. They also provide habitats for a diverse range of marine and terrestrial species. Mangroves serve as nurseries for juvenile fish and other marine organisms, making them vital for the health of coastal fisheries.

Mangroves are incredibly important ecosystems for coastal protection, biodiversity, and supporting local livelihoods. Protecting and restoring mangrove habitats is essential for maintaining healthy coastal ecosystems and ensuring the well-being of coastal communities.

The tactics of divide and rule have left scars in human relations in many cities. The insidious nature of power is unchecked. Today, as we witness, we find ourselves grappling with a different manifestation of this age-old malaise in the form of divide and share. It is open and clear. There is no one to ask. False complaints are manifested against people who question about protection of their property or nature. In the corridors of power, a few kingpins amass wealth with impunity, while the masses bear the brunt of their avarice.

The city of Mangalore lost its charm of integrity and polity. It is all about secret alliances between political leaders from various parties and few crooked officials who are thirsty for large bribes.

The pervasive corruption that masquerades under the guise of development has crossed all boundaries. Behind closed doors, local politicians collude to line their pockets, heedless of the devastation they wreak upon the environment and the lives of ordinary citizens. Public property is privatized, laws are flouted, and the very fabric of society is torn asunder, all in the name of progress.

But the people are not blind to these injustices. From the alleys of urban slums to the halls of academia, a groundswell of discontent is rising. Recent protests against the so-called smart city projects serve as a potent reminder that the people will not idly stand by as their rights are trampled upon. These projects, purportedly aimed at urban development, serve only to enrich a select few at the expense of the many.

Consider the case of Kochi, where towering buildings were razed to the ground on the orders of the Supreme Court, decades of legal battles culminating in the displacement of countless families. These were not mere buildings; they were the dreams and aspirations of hardworking individuals, dashed upon the rocks of greed and corruption.

People are coming together and demanding transparency and accountability from those in power.

They question the violations, hold leaders and officials accountable, and strive for a society where development benefits all, not just the privileged few. People are demanding for a future where the rule of law reigns supreme, and the greed of a few cannot overshadow the needs of the many.

We see the people in powerful positions shattered in front of the unity of the people who are questioning irregularities. Society becomes responsible when the people in position are answerable to the law of the land. Law doesn’t belong to the law makers and the law enforcement officers. Everyone should stand shoulder to shoulder to protect the law. The youth are migrating abroad because there are no opportunities in India. There are no opportunities created in India because of corruption to the core. Wealth is not opened up for the people at large. There are no large opportunities available abroad in today’s scenario. People need to become more united to create a better tomorrow for ourselves and for generations to come. The time for change is now. We all should become responsible citizens and stakeholders of development. No possibilities for onlookers.

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