The world is at a crossroads | Current capital-oriented economic model is inadequate | A new approach that prioritizes inclusivity, sustainability, and intelligence can rebuild a prosperous future | Global TV

Posted on: June 3, 2024

The world is undergoing a capital-oriented dual-standard protocol for a very long time. On one side it is a free world for the topline people and on the other side a controlled progress for the bottomline crowd. Skyline at one side and pipeline on the other side. People in the topline are freely exposed to the sky without required ground exercises. Everyone in the bottom line is pushed into certain pipelines of variable fabrics. This process is called cutting legs to fit into the shoes that are already manufactured. This has to change. Majority of the people have lost their legs because of the false mechanism.
We need to rebuild their legs. Either using human intelligence or artificial intelligence or both. The world has changed a lot. A lot of expansions and expositions have taken place. There is sufficient space for everyone’s advantage now. We just need to make a new model for bottom-line economic rejuvenation. It will strengthen the top line as well.

Redefining Progress: Building a Bottom-Up Economic Model for a Balanced Future

The world today is characterized by a relentless pursuit of economic growth and progress, predominantly driven by capital-oriented strategies. This process often resembles a pipeline, forcing individuals through a uniform path, much like fitting feet into pre-manufactured shoes, irrespective of their unique sizes and shapes. This approach has resulted in widespread economic and social discontent, as many individuals find themselves disadvantaged, their potential curtailed by a system that prioritizes uniformity over diversity.
In this context, there is a pressing need to rethink and restructure our economic models. A shift from a top-down, capital-centric framework to a bottom-up, human-centered approach is imperative. By leveraging both human intelligence and artificial intelligence, we can develop a new model of economic rejuvenation that not only rebuilds the ‘legs’ of those who have been left behind but also strengthens the overall economic structure.

The Problem with the Current Model

The existing economic model is heavily skewed towards maximizing profits and efficiency, often at the expense of human well-being and social equity. This capital-oriented approach tends to benefit those at the top of the economic pyramid while marginalizing those at the bottom. The ‘pipeline’ process strips away individuality and creativity, enforcing conformity and stifling innovation among the workforce.

Economic Disparities

Economic disparities have widened significantly over the past few decades. According to the World Inequality Report, the richest 1% of the global population now holds more wealth than the bottom 50%. This concentration of wealth has led to social unrest, political instability, and a sense of disenfranchisement among the majority.

Stagnation of Wages

While corporate profits have soared, wage growth for the average worker has stagnated. The International Labour Organization reports that real wage growth has been lagging behind productivity growth, leading to a decline in labor’s share of national income. This disconnect between corporate success and individual prosperity is a critical flaw in the current economic model.

The Need for a New Approach

To address these issues, we must adopt a new economic paradigm that emphasizes inclusivity, sustainability, and human development. This bottom-up approach should prioritize the well-being of individuals, fostering an environment where everyone can thrive and contribute to the economy.

Inclusive Economic Growth

Inclusive growth ensures that the benefits of economic expansion are shared equitably among all segments of society. This requires targeted policies that support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), promote fair wages, and provide access to education and healthcare. By empowering individuals and communities, we can create a more resilient and dynamic economy.

Sustainable Development

Sustainability is another cornerstone of the new economic model. It involves not only environmental stewardship but also the prudent use of resources to ensure long-term prosperity. This means investing in renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and circular economies that minimize waste and promote reuse and recycling.

Leveraging Human and Artificial Intelligence

The integration of human intelligence and artificial intelligence (AI) can play a pivotal role in this economic transformation. By harnessing the strengths of both, we can create systems that are more efficient, innovative, and responsive to the needs of society.

Human Intelligence

Human intelligence is characterized by creativity, empathy, and ethical reasoning. These qualities are essential for developing policies and strategies that prioritize human well-being over mere economic metrics. By involving diverse stakeholders in decision-making processes, we can ensure that economic policies reflect the values and aspirations of society as a whole.
Artificial Intelligence
AI, on the other hand, excels in data analysis, pattern recognition, and automation. These capabilities can be leveraged to optimize resource allocation, improve public services, and enhance productivity. For instance, AI can be used to identify skill gaps in the workforce and develop personalized training programs, ensuring that individuals are equipped for the jobs of the future.
A New Model for Bottom-Line Economic Rejuvenation
The new economic model should be built on the principles of inclusivity, sustainability, and intelligence. This model, referred to as Bottom-Line Economic Rejuvenation (BLER), seeks to rebuild the ‘legs’ of those who have been disadvantaged by the current system and strengthen the overall economic structure.
Key Components of BLER

Inclusive Policies:

Implementing policies that ensure fair wages, job security, and equal opportunities for all. This includes supporting SMEs, promoting worker cooperatives, and enforcing labor rights.

Education and Training:

Investing in education and vocational training to equip individuals with the skills needed for the modern economy. This involves both traditional education systems and innovative approaches such as online learning platforms and AI-driven personalized learning.

Healthcare and Social Services:

Providing universal access to healthcare and social services to ensure a healthy and productive population. This includes mental health support, affordable housing, and social safety nets.

Sustainable Practices:

Promoting sustainable business practices and investing in green technologies. This not only addresses environmental concerns but also creates new economic opportunities in emerging sectors.

Technology and Innovation:

Leveraging AI and other advanced technologies to drive innovation and efficiency. This includes fostering a culture of research and development, supporting tech startups, and ensuring that technological advancements benefit society as a whole.

Case Studies and Examples

Several countries and regions have already begun to implement elements of this new economic model with promising results. For instance, Scandinavia’s emphasis on social welfare and worker rights has led to high levels of social mobility and economic stability. Similarly, Germany’s support for SMEs through the Mittelstand model has resulted in a robust and resilient economy.
In the realm of AI, Estonia has emerged as a leader by integrating digital solutions into public services, resulting in improved efficiency and accessibility. These examples demonstrate that a balanced approach, combining human-centric policies with technological innovation, can lead to sustainable and inclusive economic growth.
The world is at a crossroads, with the current capital-oriented economic model proving inadequate in addressing the needs and aspirations of the majority. By adopting a new approach that prioritizes inclusivity, sustainability, and intelligence, we can rebuild the ‘legs’ of those who have been left behind and create a more balanced and prosperous future.
Bottom-Line Economic Rejuvenation represents a paradigm shift, moving away from the rigid, top-down structures that have dominated for too long. By embracing this new model, we can ensure that economic progress benefits everyone, not just a privileged few, and build a world where every individual has the opportunity to thrive.

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