Understanding Paradigm Shift! Tomato Price is the best!!

Posted on: July 27, 2018

Tomoto is just a Symbol; It applies everywhere!
By Hruday Raj

tomato on road

Dr. Fazal calls and cries saying the road is fully blooded with Tomatos run over by large vehicles! Road filled with the blood sweat of farmers. What make them throw their crops on the road? Will they spend money to crop it and then throw it on to the road further to frighten more farmers to sell it at throw away price?

This is a marketing techniq. Buy one load tomato. Play the road game. Bring media friends who are waiting at the back. Get huge media coverage in TV, Internet and Print. Next day onwards buy all that you wanted to stock up to the next time. What an Idea Sirji.

This happens for a long time. Here is the paradigm shift. Paradigm shift happens once the produce in the hands of the Shyloks. Imagine the picture of a farmer selling tomato at Re. 1/- per kg. And the people buying it at the market at Rs. 60/- per kg. These two pictures are the two sides of the paradigm shift.

We can apply the very same theory in positive ways. Make the picture enhanced and imaginative. Make the picture better and bigger. We are into a paradigm shift that can do miracles.

Good luck.

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