National Health Card for Universal Healthcare | Corporate Social Responsibility in the Pharmaceutical Industry | Centralized Department of Roads | Global TV

Posted on: June 6, 2024

Measure Government’s Efficiency on parameters that matters to you; Insights from Dr. PP Devan
Dr. PP Devan, The Doctor Encyclopedia, distinguished thinker and advocate for social justice, has proposed a set of questions to measure the efficiency of governments. His insightful queries span across healthcare, education, taxation, infrastructure, and social equity, aiming to enhance the quality of life for all citizens. Dr. Devan’s questions are focused on the citizens’ advantages and at the overall welbeing of society through governmental interventions.

Personal Benefits in Clear Terms

Dr. Devan begins by urging individuals to reflect on their personal progress over recent government terms. This self-assessment encourages citizens to consider how public policies and governmental actions have impacted their lives. Evaluating personal benefits can provide a micro-level understanding of a government’s effectiveness, encompassing areas such as giving economic stability to every individual, healthcare access, and educational opportunities.

Corporate Social Responsibility in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Dr. Devan proposes that pharmaceutical companies allocate 10% of their profits primarily for treating doctors and improving healthcare infrastructure. This innovative approach could ensure that those at the frontline of healthcare receive the support they need, enhancing overall public health outcomes. By formalizing such a mandate, governments can foster a more equitable healthcare system where both providers and patients benefit.

National Health Card for Universal Healthcare

A national health card, as suggested by Dr. PP Devan, could revolutionize healthcare accessibility. Such a card would ensure that every citizen has access to necessary medical services without financial hardship. 10% of the Fual Tax should be earmarked for this purpose exclusively.
Implementing a universal health card could reduce the burden on families, prevent medical bankruptcies, and create a healthier population, ultimately driving economic productivity and societal well-being.
Transition from Income Tax to Transaction Tax
Dr. Devan’s idea of replacing income tax with a transaction tax seeks to simplify taxation and broaden the tax base. This approach could potentially reduce tax evasion and increase transparency in financial transactions. A transaction tax system might also ease the burden on low-income earners, fostering a more inclusive economic environment.
However, careful calibration is needed while getting into this transition to ensure it does not disproportionately affect lower-income groups.

Centralized Department of Roads

Creating a centralized Department of Roads, as Dr. Devan suggests, could enhance infrastructure management and maintenance. This department would ensure consistent standards, efficient resource allocation, and accountability.

A military model system is required in the country to address challenges that are climate induced and with conspirers and intruders into the environmental safety. Having a powerful autonomous department will help reducing reliance on contractors. The government can streamline operations very quickly and potentially reduce costs, leading to better road quality and safety.

National Health Advisory Group

Dr. Devan highlights the need for a robust National Health Advisory Group to provide expert guidance on health policies. Such a group could play a major role in coordinating responses to health crises, advising on public health strategies, and ensuring that healthcare policies are evidence-based.
Strengthening this advisory group reliable and sustainable can lead to more informed decision-making and improved health outcomes.

Free Professional Education for Security Forces

Acknowledging the sacrifices by the personnel of security forces, Dr. Devan proposes offering two free professional seats in educational institutions to members of the army, navy, and defense. This initiative would honor their service and provide opportunities for their families, promoting social mobility and respect for those who protect the nation.

English Language Education

Mother Tongue is learned by people at home on their own. There is no need of an extra effort to teach anyone about their mother tongue. Instead, we should understand the need of English education in the largely globalised world. Dr. Devan’s suggestion to transition from regional language schools to first-class English language schools aims to equip students with global communication skills.

While promoting English proficiency is beneficial, it is crucial to balance this with the preservation of regional languages and cultural heritage. A dual-language approach could offer the best of both worlds, ensuring students are globally competitive while remaining rooted in their cultural identity.

Addressing the Broader Social Context

Dr. Devan’s questions are not just about measuring government efficiency; they are about envisioning a society where every segment benefits from equitable policies. By focusing on healthcare, education, infrastructure, and taxation reforms, these questions highlight the need for a holistic approach to governance. Implementing these ideas could lead to a more just, prosperous, and harmonious society.
Dr. PP Devan’s parameters for measuring government efficiency provide a comprehensive framework for evaluating and improving public policies. His visionary ideas challenge governments to think beyond conventional measures and adopt innovative solutions that benefit every segment of society. By addressing these questions, governments can strive to create a more equitable and efficient system, ultimately enhancing the quality of life for all citizens.

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