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Silent Revolution

“VThePeople” is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Date: May 25, 2021 07:30 PM India CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE MEETING Meeting ID: 885 5581 1751 Passcode: 243296...

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Two Model Books for Greater Dreamers among the Youth! “Dreaming Big” (Sam) & “I Too Had A Dream” (Kurien) !! Read and Transform Yourself ! By Sam Pitroda By Verghese...

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Instead of April Fool, an innovative initiative April Cool campaign is all about installing bird feeders across the Mangalore city based on the theme Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. The...

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By Dr. Ramamithram Gopal A large no of students, faculties and corporates have been requesting us for the link to view the proceedings of the 11th International Business Conference...

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Living experience of an innocent girl ☝️☝️ An innocent girl who was suffering from Blood Cancer wanted to receive her first Holy Communion. But her age and sickness were...

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