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Vartha Bharati | 15-02-2019 | 10:50:00 IST Writer, thinker, pioneer of Beary movement Abdul Raheem Teekay is no more Mangaluru, Feb 15: Well-known businessman, pioneer of the Beary movement,...

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By NV Paulose Family is your ultimate immeasurable wealth: Family is your ultimate wealth. Family is an immeasurable wealth. God is your inner strength. One can trace good and...

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Stop Fighting! Do Right Things! Become Media Warriors!! You can grow when you help an entire society to grow along with your growth! Together we grow better!! By NV...

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Take Time to Understand the Concept. Turn the coin downside Up to Make it a Success Process! By NV Paulose, NLP Master Practitioner Think two steps ahead and you...

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The whisper in the wind is heard by the Universe! A New World is emerging!! By NV Paulose Read Dr Javed Jamil with a new eyesight! His whisper in...

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Zero Year for the most deserving segments of society is the new thought process from the man of ideas. By NV Paulose Down the line history of India will...

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Can we seen one or two steps further forward? Imaginary Imagination Imagine there is a forest, a government, a minister and a business man. Two of them are joining...

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A 4-year-old boy named Saru lived in a small Indian village. He was born in a poor family, and in order to survive, his elder brother Gudu washed train...

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