Professor N Sridhar Shetty, I find you a different personality, a generous man with a strong voice since we met in Japan to establish collaboration between Okayama University Dental School, Japan and AB Shetty Dental College, India.
I explore more about your conception based translational activities, and those were evidenced as rural satellite centre for health promotion, impressed me hugely. Your initiative created a model which in fact, aims to reduce the inequalities for health in India. Possibly you will remember, after completion of my assignments in Japan, I had my pleasure and privilege to work with you in India during 1996 and 2002 at AB Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences of Nitte University, and your induction helped a lot to work for India.
You are the person helped to bring the specialty of Oral Biology and Genomic Studies to accomplish several essential projects, guiding doctoral researches and, you unreservedly supported the new ideas of educational development for dentistry.
I find you differently dynamic during 2010 to 2017, the period I used to divide my time between UK and India. That way, you successfully established the department of Implantology, and helped the junior colleagues to sustain that, I guess it still working appropriately. As a man you are extraordinarily supportive for new development, and open to hear to the others’ views. I recollect the beautiful moments with you, and I miss the warm discussions over a cup of tea during my stay at Mangalore.
I never hear from you any negative things, and I observed you, – uniquely cooperative and helping person for all, even you were good for them who had different opinions and contradicted harshly with you at times.
I always cognized with the concept of community / patient involvement for health development, and your unique concept of holistic approach of health delivery, which aims to reduce the health equalities complies with mine largely, and I am pleased to know that you have published your activities, is really inspirational to many open-minded people in India, and would spark for betterment of humanity. Sridhar-ji, you are not a mere colleague and a senior friend to me, you are a history to me as well, you touches me always. I do pray and wish for you for a long life with good health and spirit. Happy Birthday To you, Sridhar-ji. Ever Chitta.

Professor Chitta Chowdhury
PhD (Japan), MPH(UK), FFD RCS (Ireland), MFDS RCPS(Glasg),FRSPH (UK),DND (DU),BDS (DU)
Academic Dean
Dissertation Module Director
Chairman, Research Review Committee
The University of Bolton City of London Dental School,
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