This is a very important point! People engagement is more important than Large Investments!!
Everyone is in favor of Water Harvesting of all types just because everyone is aware about the importance of gaining ground water level back to its normal. Scientists, activists and humanists are all doing their best to bring Water level back to its normal position. Water management has got lot of importance today across the world. Lot of real research and practical implementations are done in preserving water and to revitalizing water sources. We salute those who have campaigned across the globe for this social cause thinking advantages for everyone in the long run. This should be our approach about Livelihood Management also.
Economic Rejuvenation and Livelihood Management is also equally important
Livelihood management and Luxury Management are very different. Both are two extremes in fact. People engagement and Time Valuation are the basic features of a developed nation. In India people are kept disengaged in Economic streams. Corporates are interested in profits alone. That’s alright. Where from the people get money to buy luxury in their life?
Opportunities are to be created. We should create them by identifying available resources around people at their locations. There are plenty of them possible everywhere. That gives is a choice to prioritize people engagement and livelihood projects. When people get money in their hand, the economy will automatically get rejuvenated. This is tested and proved in the Great Depression Scenario.
What is People engagement and Livelihood Management?
We should engage every people into economic stream of activities. We should create passionate avenues for this purpose. Economy will automatically grow when people are engaged in Economic Models and Revenue Models. Livelihood management will result in luxury management which is very much in the hands of Corporates. People will visit Malls and Shopping Complexes when there is money in their pocket. We should thus exchange their natural resources and give them money in return.
Advance for Dry Fruits Packets!
People in the cities across the world can advance friends in their native villages for Dry Fruits and Dry Vegetables and Trust them to deliver the best in quality and quantity in return. What a marvelous circle of excellence it can create for the people in the villages and for the people from the villages living across the world. When we are able to make international transportation for everything else; we can also do it for the village fruits and vegetables. Natural resources like honey etc. also can become huge economic pillars of progress this way.