The whisper in the wind is heard by the Universe! A New World is emerging!!
By NV Paulose

Read Dr Javed Jamil with a new eyesight! His whisper in the wind is heard by the universe. His vision for a healthy and peaceful economic system is often misunderstood as a fight against corporate economic philosophy. It in fact is a holistic approach for a well knelt economic structure wherein corporates are growing faster and better when justice is employed in the system.
Justice when employed in any system will attract active engagement of more people into creative ways of wealth creation. Unheard new innovative ways will emerge when the stakeholders are rewarded equitably. Expansion of activities with large inclusion of people particularly the youth with a proper approach in the reward system is the way ahead; propose Dr. Javed Jamil.
Is Globalization moving towards Localization now!?

Equitable sharing of wealth is a basic principle proposed by Dr Javed Jamil. It is not equitable share but giving every stake holders their due, clarifies the author of ‘The Devil of Economic Fundamentalism’. Truth and transparency are the two basic ingredients for economic prosperity. Economy gains when truth and transparency are respected.
Dr. Javed Jamil had authored many books. Basically he is an advocate of Islamic Principles and thus difficult to read with a secular eye. Going deeper, one can see the author going beyond his religious boundaries and stepping into the realms of a spiritual mode.
Every religion is meant for the whole of humanity and the principles are based on fundamental truth of God centric life style. Justice is proposed and propagated by every religion. Selfishness is denied by every religion. Dr. JJ is proposing a circle of excellence wherein the economy is boosted with an inspired sharing system. Every wealth is ultimately owned by God. People are trustees of the wealth for a time being. This we can see looking at the Rise and Fall in the history 100 or 200 years from any point of time.
Dr JJ is proposing a system of exploration far away from the corporate mode of exploitation. Corporate can gain better when they are into an exploration mode leaving their exploitation mode with a proper burial to it. What is being expected with the controlled exploitation mode today is not achieved by the corporate. Instead, they are getting more deeper into the vicious circle. They are forced to go into more deeper and more cruel ways to achieve their economic targets.
Targets can be achieved just by turning the coin upside down. Going away from the Capital mode and stepping into the revenue mode is the way. Today everything starts and end with money. Capital is presented as the savior of the economy. It is not true, explains Dr. Javed. Even in the tax system, he questions the claim of corporates claiming as they pay tax in heavy when compared with the common people. The reality is that the entire tax is paid by the common people. Corporates are only collecting it from the people and pay it to the government. There may be shortfall in the payment from the corporate, never ever an excess pay can happen from the corporate. Here is Dr. Jamil proposes Wealth Tax in place of Income Tax.
Can we think little further deeper?
Author of this article take a freedom to say the following comment. Any form of tax introduced with an evil idea can only do harm to the general public and their economics. Corporates being the caretakers of the politicians will get their interests negotiated in the corridors of power. Everything can be manipulated when the original idea is not based on truth and transparency. Tax has become an over burden all over the world just because the system is not generating wealth.
Here is the relevance of the principles proposed by Dr. Javed Jamil. Economy transforms when Truth and Transparency enters the realm of economics. Create wealth and share it with the stakeholders; says Dr. Javed. Proper sharing is the key for prosperity. Covid has proved the immovable wealth is a burden on the shoulders of the corporates. The maintenance cost of capital and capital assets are very high. People are able to create wealth without these ornamental investments.
Now that you have engaged large capital into your operations, you have to involve more people in the process of creating wealth out of the capital wasted already; is the moral of story untold in the book of Dr. Javed Jamil. The corporates that welcome people and engage them in innovative initiatives will make it a successful venture. We need to engage more conversations with genius like Dr. Javed Jamil. Positive Media like Global TV becomes more relevant in todays transformational times.
Dr. Javed Jamil
Dr. Javed Jamil is an India-based thinker and writer and currently holds the position of Chair in Islamic Studies and Research, Yenepoya University, Mangaluru, Karnataka, India. He has authored more than twenty books mainly in the fields of applied Islamic studies, current affairs, and health. He has also authored more than 700 articles published in newspapers, magazines, and journals. His works include: The devil of economic fundamentalism, Islam means peace, In search of a comprehensive solution for AIDS, Rediscovering the universe, Islamic model for control of AIDS, Family welfare in Islam, Muslims most civilized, yet not enough, Qur’anic paradigms of sciences & society (Volume 1: Qur’anic paradigm of health), Economics first or health first?, and Justice imprisoned. E-mail:;