Every institution should go for a revenue multiplication model.

Posted on: January 2, 2020

every institution including public and private should go for a revenue multiplication model. Naturally, plenty of opportunities also get created for the dynamic people in the society.  This will make our society vibrant and exciting.

Traditional Vs. Modern; Both Vs. Reality

We are living in a complex society. We teach our children in traditional ways. They wish to go for the modern ways. When we check with the winners, we see a totally different story with each one of the winners. No two cases are identical. One common point is there for all winners. All of them had followed their inner imagination. One common principle that we should tell our youngsters is this; Success is not their syllabus. Youth need to go beyond syllabus. Note it down; it is not behind syllabus.

NV Paulose with Malanadu TV

Every human is a unique make. There are talents hidden in every human being. To identify is a real task. We cannot generalise and make a master plan for everyone. Hence, read carefully.

Most of us have two eyes. Have you observed the way our eyes are placed? We cannot see ourselves. To see ourselves, we need to go to a mirror. We become someone else when we are in front of a mirror. We need to depend on others to evaluate ourselves. This is not the issue. The problem is in the social pattern. We are living in a society that is focused on fault finding. This has to change. The total system including the media, administration, legal systems and our social fabric has to undergo a transformation.

The first point that we should understand is very simple. There is no need for someone to fail for the other one to succeed.  We can all become successful helping each one to succeed. This is the primary and ultimate wisdom each individual should attain in today’s world. This page features some of the great people who had helped large number of people to come up in life.

In similar way, institutions and organisations that keep a security check also should rethink. Instead of creating a hazaardes method of screening, each organisation should adopt a welcoming approach. People are not a burden to us. They are the blessing. Welcoming people is the secret of success. Organisations should move from a cost centric approach to a revenue centric approach.

The best example is the Door Darshan and All India Radio. Both establishments went for an expansion programme beyond their four walls. Both establishments are now bringing an unimaginably large sum of money to the exchequer. Taking these examples, every institution should go for a revenue multiplication model. Naturally, plenty of opportunities also get created for the dynamic people in the society.  This will make our society vibrant and exciting.

Just compare our city with an advanced city. List every good things in both. Also list what are unnecessary. We need not bring the unwanted into our system in the name of development.

Target of each one of us is to create an activity that generates revenue and goodwill simultaneously. A hotel that organises home food festivals in the suburbs can increase their revenue and reputation at the very same time. This can create a number of new jobs as well. An autonomous college that associate with rural institutions to offer add on programmes can take it a revenue earner and a turnaround tool.

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