Identity Crisis! Genuine Interests!!

Posted on: January 1, 2020

NV Paulose

NV Paulose with Gopan

History is all rotten with confusions and complications. We need to simplify things so that we are not lost amidst confusions. We have become a society that kills and repents after that when realizing that we have killed our own brother or sister. Let the new year be a resolution that we do things that are going to help humanity to grow peacefully. We take genuine interest to achieve the best possible for everyone with our interventions.

False Identity is a Fall in the future!

We are loosing our future direction when we take up a false identity. Let our fellowmen know who we are so that they can do their best for us. By hiding our identity and projecting a wrong personality, we are creating way for confusions for everyone. Hence, the new year resolution is to be more open and more transparent so that we are understood well by others.

Life is a Bonus in every aspect.

No one in the world is able to know about how to create life when the natural mechanism is absent around. Life is created out of love and that is the fundamental philosophy of human existence and every other existences. Life is invaluable and invariably based on love to one another and love in abundance and in total. Love is unconditional and priceless.

To give back value of life is impossible. To give back a portion of it is also very difficult. All the wealth of the richest person in the world is also not sufficient to create a life that is behind the life. It is now understood that there is collectives, collectiveness and collective consciousness.



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