2020! The Year of Lal Goel Media Movement in India!!
By NV Paulose
2020 is an year of transformation. Every spectrum, there is a change in the way we look at it. There is nothing untouched by the lessons of year 2020. The better way to describe the year 2020 is about the transformation the year had brought into the human life all across the world. What we thought could be the wealth of the nation all had become liabilities overnight. Establishments went shut down and existence has become a question mark. At some point the nation was about to face hunger deaths. But everything had turned into a paradigm shift except the corrupt practices that had taken new dimensions of something unimaginable. Corruption is proved an addiction that cannot be cured without proper interventions. Where then you are talking about Lal Goel Media Movement?

Mr. Lal Goel is the first Professional Media Editor in India who had emerged from the reputed and responsible citizens of the nation. He had broken the norm that insist editors should be molded from the journalism schools. Of course, there are thousands of Editors without formal journalism background. But the media world is allergic to them for various reasons. Innovative Media Practices in India are all hijacked by corporate houses. Standard licensing system had emerged from YouTube and Facebook wherein standards are new at every upgrade of Artificial Intelligence. Principles of best sellers are being applied in media. Pay and boost har become an open secret behind number of subscribers and viewership. Here comes the Lal Goel Media Movement.
Mr. Lal Goel had become a Role Model for responsible Journalism. He had proved the possibility for a dedicated person to outperform any professional editors. He had proved CS is the best technology in the world. There are several reasons to call the year 2020 being an year of Lal Goel Media Movement. Who is Mr. Lal Goel and what is very special in him? Mt Lal Goel can be called being a man on the wheels always. Man on the move will be more befitting since he is a frequent traveller on flights. Post Pandemic era had made him almost immovable beyond his resort in Moodbidri in Karnataka. A person who were travelling every day had become so restricted within a daily routine that was totally disconnected from an entire world. What could be done next was a question and there is no one to discuss about it. There comes the spirit of natural flow of thoughts and the power of universal planning.
A new concept of Media Conference was introduced using Commen Sense (CS) being the technology platform. Experience of doing hundreds of TV episodes being Chairman of Organ Donation India Foundation had become a source of encouragement. First episode was a solo one. It had told the people to get digitally connected with their families through virtual games. Next came two episodes with experts in two different areas. One with Dr. Santhosh Pattanayak, former Managing Director of Indian Railway Finance Corporation and the other with Prof P. Subramanya Yadapadithaya, Hounorable Vice Chancellor of Mangalore University.
No Media Planning and strategies were involved. No hidden agendas were practiced. There were no panic about what will we do for the topics to choose. Everything went spontaneous and it had become historic in India. Media Conference with Lal Goel had become the most reputed Media program in India over a period of less than one year. One thousand reputed editors can transform India into a Developed Nation. This is the new slogan for the year 2021. Are you reputed enough to become an accepted editor in the community of dedicated visionary editors?
Media conference with Lal Goel has become a youth Movement as well. Year 2021 is predicted to be the year of youth in India. Let it be the year of youthful India. There is nothing official about it. All of us are responsible citizens first before becoming this and that in our life. There is nothing greater than a responsible citizen becoming a reputed editor! Come join and lead the society from behind.