Nation wants us to take care of our people; in fact it is the universe and every being! Recover from shock and let us position ourselves at work!!
Gayathri Vishwanath
We have a problem in the form of a virus! We have a bigger problem in our senses that go senseless at critical times!! We behave panic when we suppose to demonstrate consistency. We go careless when we should have utmost care and concern about the fellow beings.
What’s happening in India in the pretext of lock down? We make people rush to procure things. Many people who are in trade are trying to make few bucks more by charging exorbitant prices. They do it without bothering what they are getting in return.
Moral Governance:
People are stranded at many places. Is there anyone taking care to reach them home safe? Many are starving in the streets! Can anyone come forward to volunteer support for the needy? Is there police taking bribe for allowing people to trade in the fishy water? Is there anyone swindling public funds in different ways? Is there anyone trying to take any kind of advantages out of the situations?
Is there anybody monitoring the behaviour of officials? Is media free to perform their duty? Is there transparency in our whole dealings? Are we taking this situation like any other kind of opportunities to do things strategically for our vested interests? Questions are plenty. Direction is same for all the questions. Human to be human need to be humane is the first principle and this is the only principle to follow at critical times. We should not claim about we are this and that but should make sure that we are not missing our common sense in responding to the situations.
We should understand about universal intelligence and governance. At the very same time we should ignite our own human intelligence. Here are few things that we supposed to do now.
Safe Working Zone:
We should create a safe working zone for the people who are engaged in important works. All are important and all are relevant as far as work is concerned. Hence, we should create a work culture in short shifts for people. All who can work from home can work at home. What about others?
Factories should work. Particularly the ones that in the food processing and other essential works. People should work in distance. Each one can have designated space that others may not enter without proper sanitisation and care. Like the quarantine process, we should have freedom process as well.
The one with three weeks house arrest and yet without any reasons to doubt should be allowed to go to safe offices when there is no sign of danger is identified with. We should engage our youth to deploy themselves to be the soldiers to take care of all other people. Let brightness light their faces. Digital connectivity and emergency movement should happen. Red Cross should take true volunteers from the youth instead of making the office bearers to remain all in tears. Clubs should come out from party culture and should impart care for the people. Religious leaders should become God for the people instead of engaging in God forbidden inaction.
Millet Noodles:
We need to think about a temporary food culture in which we can make sure all are haves and there is no have not. The Milk Unions should make quick recipes to prepare food packets that are similar to noodles packets. Agricultural and food scientists should join hands to make overnight innovations to make life easier and taken care. We should become one people and one nation in this crisis.

This is the best time to make ourselves quarantined from all our misdeeds and to make us renewed and renovated at heart. Let us all become sacred hearted people instead of being over brained ones. Heart is always at the centre of the universe. Critical time in the history all had demonstrated great manifestations out and humanity never ever had to go back because of any natural calamity.
Tough times always had made us better and brighter! Let us become much brighter and much better at this tough time!!