Sponsor a Student and Mentor a Career! This will be a helping hand in the Society Building Process!
Everything can grow in a Single Phrase!

Here is a direct platform for NRIs who are able to handle the tough times to help others to sail through the rough waters. Sponsoring a student and mentoring his or he career means you are directly supporting them and participate in their development process. We have identified Media and Brand Building related activities in the first phase. National Open Brands will follow suit.
Monthly sponsorship is ₹5,000/- per student. You can sponsor one student or more students. There is option to choose students district wise or on various other parameters like promoting local economic activities, Media Initiatives, Village Tourism initiatives. Food Processing ventures etc.
New ideas can grow side by side and a centralized management system will give required training and support for the students to become part of a large set up.
Sponsorship shall be either given directly to the students or it can be channeled through the common thread of operations. In both cases, students will be positioned with a centralized digital training platform. Plenty of talented students are looking forward for dignified ways of growth in the career ladder. Many of them are passionate and hardworking. All what is required is to give an initial push for them to come to the main stream.
Along with sponsorship, students need to be mentored to get proper direction in their growth path. Connecting students who are engaged in a particular stream of initiatives shall be brought under a digital team. This will help them to support each other and to take advantage of collective campaigns.
To sponsor and participate in the mentoring process kindly message +91 98441 82044