The road to a just and equitable society is challenging, but achievable if we unite and take decisive action | Fr Cedric Prakash SJ

Posted on: October 18, 2024

Unite Against Poverty and Hunger: Empowering Change on World Food Day and International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

Article Inspired by Fr Cedric Prakash SJ’s reflection

As the calendar reaches October 16th and 17th, we are reminded of two crucial Universal Days: World Food Day and the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. These consecutive days serve as a powerful reminder of the ongoing crisis of hunger and poverty that persists both in India and across the globe. Fr Cedric Prakash SJ’s words offer a sobering reflection on the widespread and systemic challenges, urging us to act with purpose and conviction.

The Alarming Reality

India, a land abundant with resources, is paradoxically home to millions who go without daily essentials. The figures are staggering and serve as an indictment of the inequities that continue to divide society. As of 2022, 220 million people in India live with hunger (FAO). According to the World Bank, 30% of the world’s extreme poor reside in India, and 70% of the Indian population survives on less than ₹220 per day (NSSO, 2020). These statistics paint a grim picture of inequality and deprivation.

Globally, the situation is equally distressing. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reports that 820 million people suffer from hunger across the globe. Meanwhile, 736 million people live in extreme poverty, struggling to survive on less than $1.90 a day (World Bank, 2022). These alarming figures reflect a deep-rooted crisis that calls for immediate, transformative action.

The Unsettling Truth

The chasm between wealth and poverty continues to widen, with a privileged few amassing vast fortunes while millions struggle with basic survival. This stark inequality not only reflects systemic injustice but perpetuates cycles of hunger and poverty. The marginalized remain locked in this cycle, their opportunities limited by structures that benefit the elite.

In this context, Fr Cedric Prakash SJ’s reflection is a call to action: “The hope to change this lies in our collective courage to address and take a stand today against the structural and endemic causes of poverty and injustice.”

Empowering Interventions: How We Can Make a Difference

The road to a just and equitable society is challenging, but achievable if we unite and take decisive action. Fr Cedric Prakash SJ’s message offers hope that through courage and solidarity, we can make meaningful change. Empowering interventions are essential, and each of us plays a vital role in creating a better world. Here are several ways we can contribute to this cause:

Advocating for Policy Reforms

Governments and policymakers hold the power to implement transformative reforms. We must advocate for policies that address poverty, hunger, and inequality at both national and international levels. From providing social safety nets to ensuring food security, robust policy frameworks are crucial to uplift the underprivileged.

Supporting Mass Movements and Individual Initiatives

Countless number of people are working tirelessly to address food insecurity at grassroots level.  By supporting their collective efforts can help expand their reach and impact. Food Packets, Financial contributions and active participations however small, can provide life-changing opportunities for those in need.

Volunteering Time and Skills

Volunteering is a powerful tool for creating change. Whether it’s working at a local food bank, teaching skills to those in marginalized communities, or helping massive programs, your time can make a tangible difference in someone’s life. Engage with grassroots initiatives in your local community that address poverty and hunger head-on.

Educating Ourselves and Others

Understanding the root causes of poverty and hunger is essential for dismantling them. We need to engage in continuous learning about the systemic issues that perpetuate inequality, from broken economic chains to unfair practices. Sharing this knowledge with others can spark greater awareness and mobilize broader support for change.

Holding Leaders Accountable

Leadership at all levels must be held accountable for addressing the crises of poverty and hunger. By engaging in constructive dialogue with local, national, and global leaders, we can demand transparent and effective action. Voting in elections, advocating for ethical leadership, and participating in civic processes are powerful ways to push for lasting reforms.

Create Momentum; Initiate or Join the Movement

The time for change is now. This World Food Day and International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, we are presented with an opportunity to unite in solidarity for a world free from hunger and poverty. Here’s how you can join the movement:

  • Share Stories of Resilience and Hope
  • Amplify Voices of Marginalized Communities
  • Participate in Local Events and Campaigns
  • Donate to Reputable Initiatives
  • Engage in Constructive Dialogue with People

Together, We Can Break the Cycle

The eradication of poverty and hunger requires a collective, sustained effort. It’s about more than temporary relief; it’s about dismantling the structures that perpetuate these crises and replacing them with systems that prioritize justice, equity, and dignity for all. We can break the cycle of poverty and hunger by working together to build a society where every person has access to nutritious food and the opportunity to thrive.

Fr Cedric Prakash SJ’s words challenge us to act with courage and determination: “Let us unite in our collective courage to create a world where no one is left behind.”

Take the First Step Today

The question is no longer “What can be done?” but rather, “Will we do it?” The first step toward eradicating poverty and hunger begins with each of us. Whether through advocating for change, volunteering, educating, or donating, every action counts. Will you join the movement to eradicate poverty and hunger? Together, we can make a profound and lasting impact.

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