War is no solution for peace | Upholding Truth Amidst Emotions is very important | We should learn lessons from the Past | Global TV
World is progressing always amidst of turbulences and humiliations. But, truth is often moved into the backseat. Strategies are given importance over and again in major decision taking processes. For individuals, institutions, nations and the world at large, it is essential to navigate with a clear and rational mind. We should devoid of personal emotions and manipulative intent. From the First World War to recent history has shown us time and again the repercussions of letting personal emotions to deal with complex societal matters from local to global levels.

Decision makers of master minds behind conflicts ranging from street fight to war are the last ones to suffer the damages of their mistakes. Enormous amount of the initial to crucial time sufferings are borne by the innocent people. Lives of so many people are affected by the casual approach of people in power. There is no less of it created by religious leaders than the political leaders. Power is turmoil of blinded wisdom for the people who are taken by the peripherals of it. Every power is an opportunity to demonstrate empathy and responsibility over to the masses. Most of the times, it lashes to the demonstration of arrogance and ego.
Truth has no difference for micro and macro in whatever perspective we see them or approach or look up to them. Every cell involved in the process is individually equal to the collective individuality of the entirety; even of a nation or the world.
The pages of history reveal that personal emotions can have a catastrophic impact when merged with the levers of power. We must remember that, just as in the case of military decisions, the world of social issues is not immune to the influence of emotions. It is crucial to safeguard the truth and resist the temptation to exploit the collective sentiments of the crowd. Truth is the leveler in the long run.
Emotions, such as anger, fear, and depression, have played significant roles in shaping military strategies and the outcome of wars throughout history. Yet, the lessons learned from these experiences apply to a broader context, beyond the battlefield. Micro level processes are reflective in the context of world at large.

Anger, for instance, can lead to a false sense of confidence, tempting individuals to confront issues recklessly, rather than seeking rational solutions.
In this regard, we should remember that the impulse to confront and defeat the source of anger, although often well-intentioned, may lead to unintended consequences and a distorted perspective of reality.
Depression, as a complex emotional state, often emerges when individuals face a sense of hopelessness and loss. In the social arena, this despair can lead to a skewed perspective, where one’s actions are driven by a desire to protect their own image or interests rather than pursuing the greater good.
In light of this, we must also consider the role of anxiety, guilt, and shame in our decision-making. Anxiety can lead to a heightened concern about an uncertain future, while guilt and shame can result from transgressing moral imperatives and failing to meet self-imposed ideals. These emotions may drive individuals to make decisions that prioritize self-preservation over the pursuit of justice and truth.
The lesson to be drawn from history is clear: emotions should never be allowed to eclipse the pursuit of truth. The manipulation of emotions, whether personal or collective, can lead to illegitimate practices and disastrous consequences. As we have seen, those who have exploited the emotions of the crowd or made decisions based on personal emotions have often ended up in misery, as exemplified in military campaigns and historical conflicts.
The world of social issues, like war, is not devoid of confrontational will, but it is essential to ensure that this mindset does not obstruct the path to progress and truth. Rather than being driven by emotions, we should be guided by the principles of justice, compassion, and rationality. Abstaining from aggression is a way of life that can take us a long way in the jungle of survival of the fittest.
In the face of societal challenges and conflicts, let us learn from history’s hard-earned wisdom. By adhering to a commitment to truth, maintaining a rational perspective, and resisting the temptation to exploit emotions for personal gain, we can navigate the complex times of social issues with wisdom and integrity. Only then can we hope to build a world that is truly just, equitable, and grounded in the unwavering pursuit of truth. We should create comfortable space for those who are coercive and aggressive to grab our space. Comforting an enemy is no way making us weaker in front of our enemy. Let whatever is at the back of their mind.