There is God Experience in Every Religion Experiential Teaching and Experiential Learning is Important and Relevant very much!

Posted on: August 6, 2021

There are reasons to love the multi diversity of religions and cultural diversities in the whole world.

By Spencer Johnson

Experiential learning is very important in every learning process. Most of us who love our school days and college days love those days because of the teachers and friends who had given us pleasant experiences. A teacher who had taught us about something with a real feel of it is always remembered. Even the tough masters and fighter friends are remembered through out our life. Certain friends with who we used to quarrel for no reasons are also fondly remembered when those days are recalled later.

This being the case of experiential learning; we have a problem in our understanding about God experience in other religions. We have forgotten to understand, experience and explore the learnings of other religions. Teachings happen everywhere with structured syllabus. Learning seldom happens because of the absence of learning everywhere. Most of the time it happens because of the experiential disconnect.

Standing under a coconut tree we search google to show it to someone. Same in God experience as well. We are not able to experience God and then how can we share God to others. We should look outside or inside to experience God. Are we searching nowhere to find God present everywhere. Where is everywhere? Where is nowhere?

Now here is the ultimate experience of Yoga

Are we but in yoga with God. Many times we go in yoga with the yoga master who is not in yoga with God. Yoga is not a physical exercise actually. It is all about concentration and meditation. It is the way divine knowledge enter human mind. One who is in Yoga with God is seen absent minded for the outside world but that is the state of awakenment. One who is in a fully awakened state is the Yogi. Who has such an experience amongst us?

Unfolding realities and realizations will make the yogi out of everyone. Are we ready to experience the realities in life?

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