Top Down Vs. Bottom Up Models of development | What is Out of Box Thinking actually mean?

Posted on: August 14, 2021

Which is the most liquid asset in the world? Question was asked to a Chartered Accountant. “Cash”. Immediate came the answer. You also may answer the question in the same way. This is how we are boxed to think in a society that is not dynamic and inspired.

Most liquid wealth in the world is an inspired human being. No confusion at all. An inspired human can solve any amount of puzzles in front and can mobilise as much resources required for that. Cash is just a concept of confidence. Bank is also a concept of confidence. We should think beyond to understand the reality of all these things.

Many times we assume banks as keeping cash in liquid form always. Although the economists speak so much about ratios; all these are based on the assumptions on a normal situation. An economy is all about active people and utilization of resources. How many people are dynamic and how much resources are put into utility are economic parameters of development. Many times we cannot see a potential that is right in front of us.

Mahatma Gandhi is father of the nation. Anyone of us if asked to assume with a status of Gandhiji may not opt for it since it is a life of sacrifice. Feeling pain in the cry of an unknown person and taking stand for a social cause are all different exercises when compared with positions of protocol and it’s possibilities.

We all are looking for safe future for us and our children. What about all our brothers and sisters? My happiness is in the smiling faces of my neighbors. My happiness is in the smiling face of my colleagues. How many empires were built by dedicated soldiers in the world?

All developed nations are the places where human resource is valued the most. Time is the most valuable resource for a human being or for any other resource in the world. To explore time and to create wealth is a great exercise.

We start to see great possibilities when we think for the benefits of a society beyond our kith and kin. All of them are included in the list of beneficiaries in a welfare vision. We assume things to happen in our favor always and presumes that we are at the best all the time. What we are and what we can depends on the social quotient in our total being. What is the sum total of our status? How much we have withdrawn from the bank of goodness? How much we keep adding to that?

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