Join New Green Revolution (NGR) | Organic Movement for CSR Involvement | Let this be a Massive Micro Movement | Global TV

Posted on: April 22, 2023

Response was fantastic when the idea of fifty thousand BUSH PEPPER PLANTS🌱 to different people. Some one took it an opportunity and some other took it an additional responsibility. Both ways, plenty of people are thrilled to join the campaign.

Imapactful people always welcome new ideas. Publicity stunt people look out for easy ways to get news coverage and photo insertions. What is started with positive intensity always flourishes and naturally attract attention of appreciative people.

Anything done in a massive scale only create the kind of impact as envisioned in the entire project. An idea that is followed by a micro level massive action plan automatically bring outcomes and exponential advantages.

fifty Thousand Green Pepper Plants is an idea of Massive Balcony Advertisement.

Time Sensitive and Time Bound

A company or a group of Companies can jointly promote this idea for a massive visibility campaign. 5,000 Students are involved in the preparation process. 10 School / College Campuses take the lead. It is supported and participated by experienced farmers.

Many types of visibility campaigns are organised for making it a massive publicity campaign. Cycling, Scating and Short walkings are organised in the process of implementation of the project.

Elders and youngsters are equally involved. Vacant lands are put into use. Picnics and Social Media Streamings are done in plenty under the common branding theme. Massive TV shows are organised involving who’s who in the city.

Logo Advertisements on Balcony 🌱Plants

Let people familiarize with your logo when they are relaxing and breathing safe at their balcony. Thus release Logo Advertisements exclusively or collectively for the designer containers. Logo advertisements with go with the campaign theme of New Green Revolution. Many other movements will be involved in the whole process. Senior Care to Spoken English Campaigns go inline with New Green Revolution.

Micro Massive Economic Campaigns…

Cities of massive growth potential require Micro Massive Economic Campaigns. The idea is to involve large number of people in the campaign in an incremental value creation model. Direct financial involvement in such campaigns are much lesser when compared with the impact generated with such campaigns.

New ideas attract youngsters. Everyone participating is always good for large brand building campaigns. Social value and Emotional value go in alignment in such campaigns.

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