Learning to Learn

Posted on: August 15, 2020

Dr. PP Devan an amazing Teacher.

An amazing Teacher. Acclaimed Orator. Dr. Devans classes are unique and memorable for an entire classroom. Each student is able to recollect and reproduce the classes instantly and thereafter. Classes are an experience by itself. Students rush to Dr. Devans Classes and wait for the teacher to appear at any moment.

Even people without subject knowledge get enriched with the sessions of Dr. P P Devan. The model is fantastic and the entire education system should research and follow the model to make teaching an experience as much giving a learning experience for students.

Learning to Learn

The essence of knowledge is knowing it to apply it. Learning is an art and professor Alvin toffler professor of economics once said that he who has master the art of learning , no door will stand in his way. Very few master this art and this program encompasses the various techniques of learning resulting in a proper understanding of how to read how to recall how to reproduce and do well in exams. Those who have gone through this program have found a quantum jump in their academic performance.

How to plan your work and work your plan.

  • How to read
  • How to remember
  • How to recall and
    Do Well in Exams. On August 16th Sunday, 1030 am.

This is a paid program . Meeting id, link , and password will sent by email on registering.

Payment link.

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