By NV Paulose
Is this a Foreign Company? was the question asked by the young Chartered Accountant, when a bunch of Chocolates were given to her! She had all of them, of course, sharing with others in the family! When answered no to her question, her next question comes about how many foreign branches are there for the company. Very difficult for her to believe these chocolates are products of an Indian Farmers Co Operative Society. Amazing precision and perfection, very proud I felt for this wonderful Institution that had created a great goodwill for the farmers in the country.
CAMPCO Paid full salary to the employees during Corona Time as well. Many schemes were also introduced for the benefits of the farmers who are regular members in the society. Congratulations to CAMPCO. It is a wonderful model that can be followed across India. That’s very nice a model created in a rural setting!

Below is from the PRESS BRIEF ON 26 November 2020!
Functioning on the basis of the principles of cooperation, CAMPCO was mainly formed to mitigate the difficulties of Arecanut Growers and thus came into being on 11th July, 1973. Four and half decades later CAMPCO marches ahead with strength and determination towards the sole aim of protecting the interest of the Farmers.

CAMPCO a Multi State Cooperative Society rushed to the Farmers rescue during the pandemic COVID-19 when lockdown strictures were in place. All round efforts were initiated in obtaining permission from the concerned authorities so as to reach out to the Farmers. Due to the financial constraints faced by the Farmers, CAMPCO commenced purchases of Arecanut and Cocoa in a phased manner meeting all strictures laid down for the purpose of arresting the novel Corona virus. Inspite of a total standstill in all Sectors, CAMPCO extended a remunerative price to the Farmers produce. Copper Sulphate too was extended to active Members at subsidised rates. In turn, the Farmers have lauded CAMPCO for having rushed to their rescue when most needed and have also reminisced CAMPCOs effort in helping the Farmers during demonetisation too. CAMPCO has always been besides the Farmers when there was not even a single Buyer in the Market for their produce.
If not for the pandemic, CAMPCO could have definitely performed even better. But inspite of all the turbulences, CAMPCO has managed to achieve satisfactory result. The transactions for the year 2019-20 are as follows:
- Arecanut Purchases valued at Rs.1430.43 Crores
- Arecanut Sales valued Rs.1535.38 Crores
- Cocoa Purchases valued at Rs.91.39 Crores
- Pepper Purchases valued at Rs.37.77 Crores
- Pepper Sales valued at Rs.28.08 Crores
- Rubber Purchases valued at Rs.23.37 Crores
- Rubber Sales valued at Rs.22.00 Crores
- Chocolate Sales valued at Rs.231.00 Crores
- Copper Sulphate Sales valued at Rs.2.82 Crores
- Reaching out to the Members, CAMPCO has extended financial aid towards the Medical Treatment of our Grower Members during the last financial year and totally 34 beneficiaries have availed this facility of which 14 Members have been aided for Open Heart Surgery, 2 for Kidney transplant, 15 Members have been sanctioned to avail Dialysis Treatment and under the new Scheme of Financial assistance to the Members, their Family and field Workers in the event of accidental death, one Member and two field Workers have been extended with compensation.
- Our personal touch with Members is maintained through visiting Farmers houses. During Cooperative Week Celebrations, Management and Staff have visited the Farmer Members and held interactions with them.
- In order to safeguard the Member Growers crops like Arecanut, Cocoa, Rubber and Pepper, we have distributed I.S.I quality CAMPCO Brand Copper Sulphate to the tune of 171.38 MTs through all our Branches and Agent Societies to the Farmers at a very reasonable rate.
- CAMPCO Co-sponsored a one day seminar on ‘Potentials of Areca in Food and Medicine’ at Alva’s Ayurveda Medical College and Research on 25th April 2019.
- In the Areca Machinery Fair held at Nalanda College, Perla, CAMPCO encouraged Innovators of Areca Peeling Machinery by organising a competition wherein the best three Innovations were suitably rewarded.
- The total production of CAMPCO Chocolate Factory has touched 15,956.06 MTs out of which 11652.91 MTs is produced for our own CAMPCO brand and sold Chocolates worth Rs.224.00 Crores including export of 1507 MTs. valued at Rs.22.81 Crores. Processing charges is valued at Rs.10.30 Crores.
- To cater to the increased demand, CCF has produced 1892 MT Choco Chips, which is in excess of 800 MT compared to the production for the year 2018-19. This was possible due to the import and installation of new Machinery at CCF.
- To meet the present international Food Safety Standards and zoning of Food Processing area as per FSSAI Standards, CAMPCO Chocolate Factory had its new Amenity Building and has the following Certification :
1. FSSC 22000 (Version 4.1) (Food Safety System Certification)
2. ISO 14000: 2015 (Environmental Management System)
3. ISO 45000:2018 (Occupational Health & Safety Assessment Series)
4. ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management System
- Exclusive CAMPCO Chocolate Kiosks is functioning at Puttur for making available to the Local Consumers the entire varieties of Chocolate Products and another Kiosk is functioning at Bengaluru too. We propose to commission exclusive chocolate kiosks at tourist places like Kodagu etc.
- Towards Green Environment, Windmills which were installed in 2008-09 (1 Unit) and 2011-12 (2 Units) continue to yield good results and for the year have generated 38.95 lakh Units and nearly 60% of our total energy requirement at our Chocolate Factory is fulfilled by these 3 Windmill Units.
- During the financial year we have released to the Market a SPICE Toffee which has natural pepper and ginger as main ingredients and has garnered response.
- CAMPCO’s state of the art Master Godown of around One lakh sq.ft. at Kavu, Puttur also has a separate full fledged Pepper Processing unit under one roof which is in progress and is nearing completion.
- In order to provide sufficient storage space for Farmers produce, during the financial year we have constructed Master Godowns at Baikampady, Belthangady and Trissur and work is under progress at Sagar.
During the current financial year 2020-21 till date, the following initiatives have been take up:
- CAMPCO appreciates the Members for their continued support and patronage extended towards their Institution and now moving a step further has extended extra Medical Benefits to the Active Members in addition to the General Membership. The Financial Benefit towards Dialysis is increased to Rs.30,000/- for 30 Nos @ Rs.1000/Dialysis; for Angioplasty Rs.50,000/-, Open Heart Surgery Rs.2,00,000/- and Kidney transplant Rs.3,00,000/-. Financial benefit of Rs.50,000/- each is already being extended to the Active Member towards Accidental Death of Member or his/her dependant and Accidental Death of Field worker on introduction from the Member.
- CAMPCO and ARDF has finalised its proposal for amending the moisture level of Arecanut from the present level of 7.0% already fixed by FSSAI to 11.0%. The farmers are facing severe problem in marketing their produce as the moisture level in dried Arecanut goes beyond 7.0% when it is dried for 40-45 days as per the recommended practice. Hence, a meeting was arranged with CPCRI, DASD, FAO Consultant, University Staff, representatives of Areca Co-operative Societies and Areca Growers and after much deliberation have arrived at a conclusion which would now be submitted to FSSAI / BIS for amendment.
- CAMPCO has now proposed CAMPCO ON WHEELS for procurement of Arecanut at the doorstep of the Farmers.
- Supporting green energy, CAMPCO has installed a 500 KW Solar Project at CCF Puttur on CAPEX Model. Our yearly requirement of energy from KPTCL is apprx 65 lakh units. But we generate around 40 lakh units from our existing Windmill Turbine Generators and remaining 25 lakh units are drawn from MESCOM. In order to move towards self sufficiency we propose to utilise 7 lakh units through Solar generation.
- CAMPCO entered into the E-Commerce Market through Amazon on 23/10/2020. The response received till date is very encouraging.
- In order to upgrade our CCF Plant capacity, we have ordered a Cocoa Powder Pulverising Plant of 400 to 500Kg/hour capacity from Vitali & Caucia, Italy costing Rs.4.55 Crores. It has a grinding capacity with modern technology.
- To expand our Institutional Market, we have ordered for a Chocolate TAN 2O Type Tempering Machine i.e. Horizontal Chocolate Tempering Machine with a capacity of 500Kg/hour costing Rs.36.2 lakhs from M/s.Bifaro International Co., Italy.
- New products having natural active ingredients are in the fray and expected to be launched this calendar year end. CAMPCO has planned 2-3 products along with differently flavoured Winner. All the products have immunity boosting power.
- Inspite of the Lockdown and strictures, CAMPCO has been in constant touch with the Farmers through Online Meetings.
- Consequent to the numerous requests from our Members at the General Body, CAMPCO is in the process of tying up with Vivekananda College of Engineering & Technology a Unit of Vivekananda Vidyavardhaka Sangha, Puttur® for the purpose of establishing the state of the art Soil Testing Centre.
CAMPCO amidst various turbulences is moving forward successfully meeting all challenges its way. Keeping the interest of the Areca Growers foremost and with the hope that all will support the call Vocal for Local and support our Swadeshi Chocolates in a big way, CAMPCO positively moves ahead to strengthen the Vision of the Nation “ATMANIRBHAR BHARATH” in general and safeguarding the interest of the Farmers in particular.

- Sri.S.R.Satishchandra, President
- Sri.Shankarnarayana Bhat Khandige, Vice President
- Sri.H.M.Krishna Kumar, Managing Director I/c.