As far as every Action/ Activity/ Happening / etc, is Concerned it has two Sides, Positive and Negative. Innumerable examples are there to prove it. But Most of the People never care for the Positive Sides, put no effort to ascertain that. They all complaint and find fault on the Negative Aspect only. NATURE has its own Plans, Actions and Reactions to play with, which People always complaint. Dr. C. V. Ananda Bose is very much Blessed Personality who has the Intelligence to Analyse and point out both sides of the same coin. When Heavy Rains and Floods came he found out the ways and means to make use of the sediments that come out floods, for agriculture purpose. So many testimonials can be pointed out, if we intuit carefully in to his activities. All the Best, Sir! ❤
As far as every Action/ Activity/ Happening / etc, is Concerned it has two Sides, Positive and Negative. Innumerable examples are there to prove it. But Most of the People never care for the Positive Sides, put no effort to ascertain that. They all complaint and find fault on the Negative Aspect only. NATURE has its own Plans, Actions and Reactions to play with, which People always complaint. Dr. C. V. Ananda Bose is very much Blessed Personality who has the Intelligence to Analyse and point out both sides of the same coin. When Heavy Rains and Floods came he found out the ways and means to make use of the sediments that come out floods, for agriculture purpose. So many testimonials can be pointed out, if we intuit carefully in to his activities. All the Best, Sir! ❤