International Conference on Recent Trend in Advanced Computing Held on 2nd and 3rd May, 202At St. Joseph’s University, Bengaluru
ICRAC-2023, International Conference on Recent Trends in Advanced Computing was organized by St Joseph’s Institute of Information Science, St Joseph’s University, Bengaluru on 2nd-3rd May 2023 at SJU Auditorium. This conference provided a platform for researchers,students, academicians and industrialist to showcase and discuss their research innovation in a unique way.
ICRAC-2023 was a Two days International conference which was held for the first time at St Joseph’s Universitywhich witnessed 61 research papers and more than hundred researchers with unique ideas. The main Agenda of the Conference was to provide a platform for young researchers to discuss their ideas which will be helpful for the society in solving real life problems.
Dr Lawrence Jenkins was the chief guest. Rev Fr Swebert D’Silva S.J, Pro Chancellor, St Joseph’s University presided over the inaugural ceremony accompanied by Rev Fr Denzil Lobo S.J, Director, SJIIT. Rev Dr Xavier Savarimuthu S.J, Director of Research, St Joseph’s University was the guest of honour. Dr Sivakannan Subramani, the Organizing secretary unveiled the proceedings of the conference. Dr Lawrence Jenkins expressed his views on the advancement of computers and the applications of IT in real world scenario.

The conference had five Key note speeches by eminent speakers – Dr Radhakant Padhi, Dr Lawrence Jenkins, Dr Simone Ludwig, Dr Mohammad Imran and Dr Ruban S followed by paper presentation sessions under the four tracks.

The valedictory ceremony was held on 3rd May 2023 at Big Data Analytics Lab, Dr Srinivas Bhogle was the chief guest who congratulated the participantsand expressed his excitement how AI will revolutionize Education. Rev Fr Denzil Lobo, Director of SJIIT shared his thoughts on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and warned us about the potential threats of AI so the youth will be better prepared for future challenges. The best paper award was given to Mr Sharwin A.R., Anticancer Peptide Prediction From Protein Peptide Sequences Using Deep Learning Techniques; Mr Firas Phathapet, Visualization of Candlesticks of Real-time Crypto currencies through Extraction Of API Key from Binance; Ms Emiya Susan Juby, Data Analytics in the Prediction of Cosmetics Sales. The valedictory concluded with the vote of thanks by the Organizing Secretary Dr Sivakannan S.