Who is milking the Cow? Who is harvesting Social Media?

Posted on: January 10, 2022

Is social media a milking cow? Who are then milking the cow today?

NV PAULOSE +91 9844182044

Global TV is the first Internet TV from India. In fact, it is the first in the world. Global TV is a slow runner when we consider it’s worth in terms of revenue equations. Why slow runner? It is because of it’s approach towards the equations. Global TV has an indifferent approach regarding capital theories and financial philosophies.

Media is known as a correcting force in the country. Media is the guiding light for the world. But it is no more a guiding light in the world today. Media is also influenced by the buying power in the market. What is the point when the judge and judgement can be bought in the auction desk? This is the point.

Media freedom is the fundamental of democracy in a nation. A nation that is respectful towards true journalism only can remain a democratic nation. Things turn upside down when an editor is bought at a price tag in the market.

Social media belongs to Internet. Internet belongs to everyone in the world. Internet is not just the cable that provides the bandwidth. It has various elements including our trust between one another. Democracy may collapse if money is able to buy internet entirely.

Nation may go to dogs when RED-STREET regulate the equations. Where then there is hope in the world? Money is not bothered to choose between right and wrong. Money is ready to run brothels and bandwagons. Money has a single intention. It should keep itself growing at evey time. Values and value compromises are not a concern for money.

Money is everything is a wrong notion. In fact, the majority of population will reject money when they are asked to compromise on their principles. Even criminals will not compromise beyond a point. There is goodness in everyone and everything.

Let us think further in this foundation!

We can create economic equations when we are able to pool resources to a certain level of visibility. We may not be hero’s but we are also not zeros. We can make things moving when we are able to size up our projects. There is Break Even for every economic activity. Beyond break even everything move in a cycle and circle.

Harvesting is just a Distance between Employment and Engagement!

Seeds kept in the store room will never fetch a harvest on its own. Someone needs to be engaged in the process. There are chances for a bumper crop or for a total drop. Risk is yours when you engage someone to do it in terms of employment. Trusted employees bring joy to their masters. End to end approaches make it viable and desirable. Mutual respect make employment a rewarding experience for both the sides. Upper hand by one end can make the ecosystem to collapse in total. Capitalism and communism are the two extremes.

Self governance is the highest form of governments. A person who is contented by self and inspired with a purpose is the trendsetter in the society. Such people are able to provide justice to everyone who come across. Justice is the foundation of success.

We can create Self growing systems when we are governed by principles. Harvesting together and sharing equally is a miraculous equation.

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