Can we depend on Government Machinery Alone?

Posted on: March 24, 2020

Support Media Action at this Critical Time

Come Together Digitally!
Keep Distance Even at Home!!
Unite People Globally!
Let us win over this Tough Time!!

Students has an important role to play. Connect Villages digitally and Unite people Globally.

While we remain indoor we should think about our fellow citizens and should help people to face the challenge of time. Villages being isolated and getting into the fear is a very vulnerable situation. Youngsters should infuse courage into the minds of the people and should digitally coordinate entire village to become a single family that care one another.

We urge youngsters to come forward and to form Media Teams to help villages to cop up with the situation. Below file is about how we can support Villages to keep connected globally and helpful for one another.

We should take care for today and should think about tomorrow.

Tough times can come any time. We should collectively fight such situations and should help everyone to combat with the times. Government has lot of responsibilities to do. At critical times we see the officials and system do their best and help society to come out of tough times. There should also be an ear to hear wise advices from true citizens who are concerned about their fellow citizens. Below is the suggestions from Mr. Lal Goel, Chairman of Organ Donation India Foundation.

How to create more Hospital beds to fight COVID-19 without Govt Money

This is very important.

Mr. Lal Goel Chairman Organ Donation India Foundation makes a model ‘How to create more Hospital beds to fight COVID-19 without Government Money.’ Mr. Goel made this very important video with the active participation of News Karnataka, V4News, Global TV and Organ Donation India Foundation.
Important Suggestions. National Conglomeration

This is a new thought process valid and valuable at entire India. Hotels are empty already. Unlike government hospitals, the hotels are well ventilated and neatly maintained. Let religious organizations come forward to provide advanced medical facilities to the make shift hospitals. NGOs and dedicated youngsters can assist the medical fraternity in managing the facilities. Somehow we should come out being a responsible nation from this crisis.

We should win the battle with our courage and compassion towards life. Each one of us should take care of ourselves and should help others to take care themselves.

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