The 5th Estate of nobility informality and flexibility | A Blend of Empathy and Vision in a large scale | Creating Teamwork of all good works in the cities and villages | Global TV
NV Paulose, Chairman, Global TV +91 98441 82044
Traditional institutions often fail to address the pressing needs of society. They start initiatives and then leave them at the next level since they have their main course of their own survival in question. Everything needs money is a common phrase that we hear from them. We need to replace this with a new phrase saying everything has money within like an egg with yoke or a fruit with seed.

Beyond the conventional power structures, we see great initiatives that are true to the hearts of people involved in such initiatives. They are driven by empathy and vision at the same time. Global TV works with all of them and helps them to get connected with one another. We become threads in the make of several garlands connecting beautiful flowers or bridges that connect rivers that flow in different directions. At times we silently connect the islands of excellence.
This efforts look like The 5th Estate in a compassionate movement of visionaries who influence one another in reshaping the world for the greater good. The Fifth Estate isn’t an organization defined by hierarchies or formal titles. Instead, it’s a collective of extraordinary individuals who operate outside the mainstream.
These are the unsung heroes of modern society, people who are driven not by fame or profit but by a genuine desire to make the world a better place. They fall into different roles and we see them everywhere in different costumes. We pick and place them in four blends of fruits based on the outcome of their works.
Visionaries: These are individuals who look beyond the status quo, daring to dream of a world that can be, rather than simply accepting what is presented by the controllers and commanders in the world. They see possibilities where others see limitations. They contribute their time and might to shape goodness around them. We connect them with one another and also with the Action Leaders.
Mentors: Often behind the scenes, plenty of silent mentors guide others towards their potential. Their influence is very much felt through the growth and success of those they help. We award them in the names of Trusted Teachers, Visionary Mentors, Knowledge Ambassadors, Action Leaders, Outstanding Officials etc.
None of them are in the rat race of money making. They are wealth creators and more than that the distributors of wealth in equitable terms. They find joy in the wellbeing of others as their own wellbeing. This is the nature of large number of Indian people. We see smile on their face even when they are at a distress.
The Economy of Commons when properly attended can rejuvenate the entire economy of the cities and societies; think about it.
Take a white paper and write your name at the centre. Draw a circle around your name and mark about 5 dots in the lines in equal distance. Write 5 names of the people with whom you interact on a daily basis for various purposes. Create more circles around the circles. Keep redrawing the picture every week. Over a period of time you get a structure of an informal establishment.
You will experience yourself as a self-financing entity that is not being seriously looked into. Induce economics in the form of referral circles to begin with. Give appropriate attributes to the components and you will be surprised to see a strong economic chain derived around your day to day initiatives.

Global TV helps you to make it practical with 30 plus revenue models that can be implemented in the cities and villages across India. Role Creation (RC), Team Formation (TF), Training and Development (TD), Revenue Generation (RG), Equitable Sharing (ES), and Mutual Collaboration (MC).
Each of the component has its distinctive functions to perform. All that you need to do is to get into the mission informally and knowingly select about where you fit in. There are plenty of welcoming establishments in every cities and villages around. When no one is welcoming you, invite people to the open locations like eat outs and restaurants at less crowded times. Work at home has become a norm today. Explore the possibilities of working homes as well.
Strengthen the vital components of economic prosperity in your city like leisure spots, socio economic organisations, truly charitable initiatives etc. Apply and display Common Sense (CS) at every act of you. Stimulate a holistic approach that boosts economic vitality of the people. Promote social cohesion to improve overall well-being of the city and villages around you. Do all these keeping two categories of people to oversee your integrity and dignity in the process.
Jewels: The selfless, whose actions inspire others to act in kind. Their giving and kind nature becomes a catalyst for greater good. Take them into confidence.
Legends: Individuals whose impact leaves a legacy. Their contributions during their tenure at positions transcend generations. Their approach and actions affect the very fabric of society long after they leave their positions and portfolios. See that you have their blessings on all your initiatives for the common good.
Together, these individuals form the pillars of the 5th Estate. Global TV invites you to form a group united by a shared commitment for a positive change.