Tag Archives: Inner mind and outer minf

Conversation! Keeping Eyes and Mouth Shut!!

By NV Paulose, Founder Global TV

Can you do it? Yes! That’s one of the best ways to resolve conflicts between individuals who are connected and concerned with each other. Even others can be included in the conversation when you have a reason for doing so.

What happens when you close your eyes and shut your mouth while talking within and seeing and listning the other within?

Outer mind get closed when you close your eyes and focus on something important for you. Inner mind opens up. This is the basic change. Power of inner mind is very huge and large when compared with outer mind. For example inner mind is 2,00,000 and outer mind just 7. There is no unit for calculation. It is just a comparison.

Inner mind has no limits and boundaries whereas outer mind is minimal and temporary. Real Problems and True solutions are in the inner mind. Outer mind has only limited resources.

For achieving a desired target, one has to expand the operational strength and territory from the conscious (outer) mind to the unconscious (inner) mind. One more thing is very important. Unconscious mind is unconditional and has enormous wisdom. It goes far and wide to achieve results.

When outer mind is closed, not closed actually, connected and focused on to the inner mind; you achive a higher level of emotional stature. More powers and more resources come on your ways. More ways are opened up. More understanding and better options come on your way towards seeking solutions. Alternatives appear right in front of you. Given a choice, human mind picks up the best among the choices.

Ultimately conscious mind and unconscious mind comes together and opt for the best. A decision taken together by the unconscious mind and the conscious mind goes with you very well.

Hence, do resolve problems within before you go to react towards it with your limited resources in your conscious mind. Once you start silent communication unconditionally and with an open heart, you start to enjoy the help of universe in achieving your dreams and targets.

Greater heights become visible and accessible. After all we are spiritual being having human experience on earth.