Vision of Prof. Dr. Subramanya Yadapadithaya will help People to gain Purchasing Power!
By NV Paulose
We should listen to great visionaries in education to formulate a way for outstanding growth out of this pandemic. Prof. Dr. P. Subramanya Yadapadithaya Vice Chancellor of Mangalore University presents one third + one third + one third formula in education. We should listen to passionate visionaries. This is the way for exponential growth today. Keeping people engaged, empowered inspired and well placed is the way forward.
Campuses should get opened up with core learning teams for every class room. Each class room should design a methodology to reach out to every student who were in the classroom before corona era. Those who are away should complete their project works while their friends are making their classroom learning easier.
Connect between the classrooms and the project process can be done in several ways. Talking about what is not available is not the way anyway. We had a time when the postal runners were running from one end to another end at a long distance. Today we have smart runners in sports arena who can run a 20K Marathon. Our roads are empty everywhere. We can make it our track for a unique development model.

Long years back. An elderly person had collapsed to fall on the road. One side Yenepoya hospital and on the other the Bishops house of Mangalore. As I appear it was a crowded scene. Everyone watching and no one doing anything. I shouted and in few minutes the patient was at care. Are we getting the point of standing still in a distance. We should act now.
Toady as I see it, we are in the same situation. Patient is our economy and people are silently watching around. Of course with social distancing in all respects. Bishops house is silent. College campuses are silent. No one seems to be vibrant. Some people are shouting but it’s about making all people all the more silent. Their idea is to en cash the pandemic and to drink all the remaining blood in the treasury.
We should understand the message of the pandemic. It is taking the world into the path of righteousness. In our eyes people are scattered and lost. In universal eyes the people are spread and deployed everywhere. We can get the ground realities about every location in the world instantly. We have people at digital end to transfer every information across the world.
What more we need for an economic transformation? Today’s corporates are yesterday’s east India company. Attitude remain the same. Taking out the resources at cheaper price using cheap techniques and processing at far away places to bring back and sell to the same people.
Can’t the corporate wait for one step further? And allow people to process the raw materials at the source. Get right value for their sweat and then come to the corporate with increased purchasing power. Farmer and honey bees are of same nature. They will focus on production always. There lies their creative satisfaction.