
Tourism Ambassadors | A Great Initiative from All of Us | We Can Operate TA at Local to National Level | Begin with a Referral Circle | Global TV

Posted on: July 21, 2023

Once upon a time in the vast and diverse land of India, a unique initiative was born to promote tourism and foster connections between urban cities and rural villages. The visionary plan involved harnessing the power of the people themselves. The Media Consortium, NGOs, Governmental Agencies, Campuses, and Clubs Joined hands at many places and launched a program simultaneously at many places to create 6 lakhs Tourism Ambassadors who would be the driving force behind this transformation.

In each city, 7 Trusted Women Entrepreneurs and 7 Supporting Establishments were identified and selected first. 100 enthusiastic individual were carefully selected, made in groups of 7, and trained to become the Tourism Ambassadors. Each group of Seven was connected either with one of the Women Ambassadors or with Supporting Establishments. These passionate individuals, hailing from all walks of life, became the face of their respective cities, welcoming tourists with open arms and hearts. They took pride in showcasing the rich cultural heritage, picturesque landscapes, and vibrant traditions of their regions.

The journey began with a focus on connecting cities and villages in the process. Rather than limiting tourism promotion to just the urban areas, the Tourism Ambassadors set out to explore and celebrate the charm of the countryside too. They recognized that true transformation lay in bridging the gap between rural and urban India. They have presented to the world a wide variety of itineraries that could be made into different permutations and combinations according to their convenience and budget.

The key to this endeavor was the Village City Combine, where each city would collaborate with neighboring villages to develop sustainable tourism offerings. The Tourism Ambassadors realized that this approach would not only boost the local economy but also preserve the indigenous culture and environment.

As the program progressed, they worked tirelessly to create Campus Village Connectivity. Universities and educational institutions played a pivotal role in this stage. Students from various academic backgrounds joined the Tourism Ambassador program, bringing fresh ideas and innovative solutions to the table. These students became catalysts for change, working side by side with the villagers to build infrastructure, implement eco-friendly practices, and develop unique tourism experiences.

The results were astounding. Across the nation, 6000 cities are connected with countless villages. Great Stories of cultural exchange and economic growth began to unfold. The collaboration between city dwellers and villagers fostered a deep sense of mutual respect, understanding, and unity.

Level 2

The economic impact was profound. With tourism becoming a major industry, local businesses thrived, generating income and employment opportunities for thousands. Traditional crafts and artisanal products from the villages found new markets in the cities, promoting sustainable livelihoods.

The figures spoke volumes of the program’s success. In just a few years, the number of tourist arrivals skyrocketed, contributing significantly to the country’s GDP. Employment rates in rural areas surged, resulting in decreased migration to cities and reducing the burden on urban infrastructure. Great manifestations took place when hundred people were brought together under a structured system on a joint mission. Tourism Ambassadors become the thread to connect in preparation for an unusual garland. Many garlands of collaboration and co-creation were developed in the trajectory of prospering societies.

The most remarkable transformation was in the hearts and minds of the people. The Tourism Ambassadors not only showcased the beauty of their homeland but also instilled a sense of pride and responsibility among the citizens. Environmental conservation became a collective mission, and local communities united to preserve their natural resources for generations to come.

As the sun set on the horizon, the entire nation stood together as one, a rainbow of colors and cultures, woven together by the collective culmination of 6 lakhs Tourism Ambassadors. Their unwavering dedication and passion had turned India into a global destination, renowned not only for its breathtaking landscapes and architectural wonders but also for its heartwarming hospitality and genuine connections between people.

And so, the story of India’s transformational journey inspired the world, showing that when people come together with a shared vision and purpose, economic prosperity and cultural enrichment can be achieved hand in hand.

Level 3

Determining the monthly remuneration for Tourism Ambassadors was discussed at different places. Many options were presented, discussed, and implemented depending on various factors such as the cost of living in different regions, the responsibilities and workload associated with the role, and the level of expertise and experience shown in performance. Since Tourism Ambassadors come from diverse backgrounds and may have varying levels of commitment, a region-wise flexible remuneration structure was opted for. However, It was decided to have a general approach to promote a monthly remuneration package at every place using funds generated through tourism initiatives and other development opportunities.

A general guideline was presented as follows:

Basic Stipend: Provide a base stipend to all Tourism Ambassadors. This stipend could be a fixed amount per month, meant to cover their basic living expenses and recognize their dedication to the program.

Performance-Based Incentives: Introduce performance-based incentives to motivate Tourism Ambassadors to excel in their roles. The incentives could be linked to factors such as the number of tourists they attract, positive feedback received from tourists, successful implementation of sustainable initiatives, and active participation in community engagement activities.

Location and Cost of Living Allowance: Since the cost of living varies across cities and villages, consider offering an additional allowance based on the location where the Tourism Ambassador is assigned. This helps ensure that their remuneration is adequate to meet their living expenses.

Training and Skill Development: Invest in continuous training and skill development programs for Tourism Ambassadors. Those who undergo specialized training and acquire new skills could receive higher remuneration as an acknowledgment of their increased expertise.

It was also proposed to offer Additional Income (AI) options for Tourism Ambassadors.

The idea was to empower them economically and create opportunities beyond their core responsibilities. Here are some ways presented to offer AI options:

Local Entrepreneurship:

Encourage Tourism Ambassadors to explore entrepreneurial ventures related to tourism. They could start small businesses such as handicraft shops, local tour operators, or eco-friendly accommodation options. The government could provide financial support or low-interest loans to help them kickstart their ventures.

Tour Guide Services:

Allow Tourism Ambassadors to work as freelance tour guides during their free time. This enables them to interact with more tourists and generate additional income.

Art and Cultural Shows:

Organize art and cultural events in collaboration with local communities. Tourism Ambassadors who possess artistic talents could showcase their skills and earn from ticket sales or merchandise.

Online Content Creation:

Support Tourism Ambassadors in creating digital content, such as travel blogs, vlogs, or social media posts, to share their unique experiences and insights. They could earn through sponsorships, advertisements, or affiliate marketing.

Sustainable Tourism Projects:

Reward Tourism Ambassadors who actively participate in and propose sustainable tourism projects. If these projects generate revenue or lead to cost savings, they could receive a share of the profits or incentives.

Online Booking Platforms:

Partner with online travel booking platforms and allow Tourism Ambassadors to earn commissions on bookings made through their referrals.

Cultural Exchange Programs:

Establish cultural exchange programs where Tourism Ambassadors from India can participate in similar initiatives abroad, gaining exposure and earning stipends while representing their country’s culture.

By combining a competitive monthly remuneration package with diverse AI options, Tourism Ambassadors will not only be financially motivated but also inspired to contribute actively to the growth of the tourism industry in India. Moreover, this approach fosters a sense of ownership and entrepreneurship, making the program more sustainable and successful in the long run.

Level 4

Creating a decent remuneration package for Tourism Ambassadors involves striking a balance between fair compensation for their efforts and the economic feasibility of the program. While the specific figures may vary based on the factors mentioned earlier, here’s a suggested monthly remuneration package:

Basic Stipend:

Offer a basic stipend of around INR 15,000 to INR 20,000 per month. This amount would serve as a stable income for their dedication to the program and cover essential living expenses.

Performance-Based Incentives:

Introduce performance-based incentives to motivate and reward exceptional performance. The incentives could range from INR 2,000 to INR 5,000 per month, based on achieving specific targets and objectives.

Location and Cost of Living Allowance:

Provide a location-based allowance to adjust for the varying cost of living in different areas. This allowance could range from INR 3,000 to INR 5,000, depending on the city or village where the Tourism Ambassador is stationed.

Skill Development Bonus:

Offer a skill development bonus of around INR 2,000 to INR 3,000 per month for Tourism Ambassadors who complete additional training or acquire specialized certifications related to tourism promotion.

Considering this suggested package, a Tourism Ambassador stationed in a city could receive an average total remuneration of around INR 22,000 to INR 30,000 per month. For those working in villages, the remuneration could be around INR 20,000 to INR 28,000 per month, accounting for the higher cost of living in cities.

It’s important to note that these figures are approximate and may vary based on the specific circumstances and budgetary considerations of the program. Additionally, periodic reviews and adjustments to the remuneration package would be necessary to keep it in line with economic changes and performance evaluations.

By offering a decent remuneration package, coupled with the additional income options previously mentioned, the Tourism Ambassador program would attract passionate and dedicated individuals who can contribute effectively to the growth and promotion of tourism in India.

These options were continuously improved based on the funds generated through the sharing mechanism between beneficiaries and the effects of enthusiasm in creating a self-driven economy.

Food for thought at this level of our manifestations:

By providing a well-rounded remuneration package that includes both a stable monthly stipend and additional income opportunities (AI), Tourism Ambassadors can indeed earn a decent and predictable income each month. This approach offers financial security and stability to the participants while also fostering a sense of entrepreneurship and ownership.

The combination of a basic stipend and performance-based incentives ensures that Tourism Ambassadors receive a consistent income that covers their essential living expenses. At the same time, the AI options open up opportunities for them to explore their passions, talents, and entrepreneurial ambitions, potentially allowing them to earn an equal or even higher amount through their additional endeavors.

This holistic approach not only attracts dedicated individuals to the Tourism Ambassador program but also empowers them to actively participate in the economic growth of their communities. It creates a win-win situation, where the Tourism Ambassadors benefit from financial independence and the nation benefits from a thriving and sustainable tourism industry.

Furthermore, this approach can lead to the development of a vibrant ecosystem where Tourism Ambassadors act as ambassadors not only for their regions but also for the potential of local entrepreneurship and cultural preservation. As they promote their homeland to tourists, they can showcase the diversity of opportunities that exist beyond traditional roles, inspiring others to pursue innovative paths and contribute to India’s economic and cultural prosperity.

By nurturing this program and continuously refining the remuneration package based on feedback and evolving economic conditions, India can witness a transformative impact on tourism, local economies, and community empowerment. The beauty of this movement is its base unit concept. Seven plus One base units can function independently and interdependently with one another. The group dynamics has plenty of options.

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