Tribute to Prof. Clement D’Souza

Posted on: July 17, 2020

The funeral service of Prof. Clement D’souza will be held on 27.07.2020 at St. Sebestian Church, Bendore, Mangalore.
Public viewing: between 03.00 to 03.30PM at the Church.
Followed by the last rites.
Funeral ceremony will be live streamed on

Sir Clement was a Living Saint among us who lived a beautiful life and had a beautiful death too. We must learn from his simple life with great extra ordinary knowledge. He was a true master who share everything he had freely with great love to each one who met him. I salute you sir……..I will learn what you tought us

Stany Paul DMello

Prof. Clement Desouza : A competent professional colleague and a genuine friend. He was abundantly sharing his knowledge and wisdom ! —Ram

Prof. Clement D’Souza was a great soul and pioneer of Pranic Healing and NLP in Mangalore. He was taking an online class and today was his second day of class. I am told that one of his students rang up Clement sir ‘s neighbour when sir did not come online. That’s how they found out.

Clement sir was a remarkable person. I had the privilege of being his student and attending one of his NLP courses. He was the first person to bring in Pranic Healing and NLP to Mangalore, and also took Sujok (which Advocate Padakannaya had introduced) to new highs. He had mastered all these alternative therapies and was a master trainer and healer. He did healing through hypnosis and the Hawaiian Ho’ oponopono as well.
He was a man open to new knowledge and welcomed the tenets of Hinduism and other religions. He believed that all paths to the Truth were equally valid and should be used for healing humanity.
Even after his retirement from St Agnes College, he was deeply committed to learning new things. He was the eternal Learner and Healer. He was by nature affable, forthright, a strict disciplinarian and scholar. He had a fantastic memory and believed learning had no borders. He was one of Mangalore’s Renaissance Men!
I doff my hat to you, Prof Clement…may your soul have a peaceful transition and may you discover the joys of new worlds that you envisaged. Be happy, go in Peace, Guru Clement!

Prof. Ravishankar Rao

Prof. Clement D’Souza was a great NLP Healer and Trainer. He was committed for social causes like Palliative Care, rainwater harvesting and more than all in transforming human beings into great achievers.

He has a large follower base among NLP Practitioners. He was very fond of teaching NLP to everyone. Always proud saying “NLP changed my life. It can change your life too. “

Prof. Clement D’Souza was a Yoga Teacher, Pranic Healer, Reiki therapist and expert in many other alternative therapies. He was appreciated among doctors and were called for holding sessions on NLP for medical professionals.

Soft spoken and always active Prof. Clement D’Souza was a trustee at Ave Maria Palliative Care. He was retired from St. Agnes College in 2005 after teaching there for 34 years. He was heading Economics Department.
He was instrumental for St. Agnes College to get Prestigious President Carter award for rainwater harvesting and it’s outreach implementation at Kirem village.

I was a close associate to Prof. Clement D’Souza. Ever since I met him in 2012 our relationship continued to be of a Master and a disciple. He was my Mentor in NLP. I was called for every class mainly for demonstration purpose. I had learned NLP just by copying Prof. Clement D’Souza. He had an encouraging nature and friendly approach. I was introduced to some of the great trainers and very important people by Prof. Clement D’Souza.

For me the loss of Prof. Clement D’Souza is like the fall of a light house. I am yet to believe the sad news that my master is no more.

Many who have learned NLP with Prof. Clement D’Souza may have the same emotional connection with him. I was lucky to accompany or to assist Prof. Clement D’Souza in many programs at various places.

Soft spoken Professor was always proud of NLP. He was all the time working for learning and training. Every time there was something new to teach. His loss is mounting pressure on all whom he have placed mark in their heart.

NV Paulose

Prof. Clement D’Souza was not just learning NLP

he had done a thorough research on it

When working as a professor at St. Agnes college Mangalore, Prof. Clement started practicing NLP, around six years before his retirement. In fact he first learned NLP for his friends. In a training session at Mangalore he was teaching yoga and practicing pranic healing. He had a little knowledge about NLP at that time however was aware that NLP can do wonders. He shared this information about neuro linguistic programming with his senior students and friends who were attending the training sessions. They altogether wanted Prof. Clement to teach them NLP. Thus he was forced to learn it.

Prof. Clement was not just learning NLP, collecting as many books from abroad with the help of his students around the world, he had done a thorough research on it! I don’t think anybody else in India had done such a valuable research work on NLP till today.

Prof. Clement made NLP so famous in South India. He conducted NLP training programs in Kerala, Karnataka, Maharashtra and many other states in India. He also visited Gulf countries for training sessions. Prof. Clement’s training classes was extraordinary. He proved that NLP can do wonders in every walk of personal and professional life especially in the field of mental health.

He had great knowledge about psychology, yoga, pranic healing, sujok, EFT, Ho’oponopono etc. He never had conflicts with psychologists, psychiatricts or other medical professionals instead he could made many of them his reputed students.

He is one of the NLP Pioneers in India who could prepare comprehensive NLP books refering almost all famous books including ”the structure of magic, volume 1&2”, the bible of NLP written by Bandler and Grinder. He shared all information available with him which resembles his commitments towards his students. Prof. Clement was a real ”Guru” who wanted his disciples to grow up to the peak. He had dedicated the last 20 years of his life entirely for NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). He is a great social worker who want no publicity.

He was my master in NLP. I had years of relationship with him. I visited him at his training centre and home in Mangalore many times for repeated learning and he also visited me in my center and my house at Kottayam. He gifted me valuable and unforgettable moments. Nobody can forget his beautiful training programs.

Prof. Clemet D’Souza passed away on 17 July 2020 at Mangalore. I deeply mourn his sad demise. May the departed soul rest in eternal peace. I extent my deep condolence to his sorrowing wife and only son.

Jiji Mylakattu
Counselling Psychologist,
Life Coach and NLP trainer

4 thoughts on “Tribute to Prof. Clement D’Souza

  1. Had the Privilege of doing the ANLP program last month with Ram sir and Prof. Clement.
    Prof Clement was a very warm and extraordinary generous Teacher, Facilitator, Human being who is a great gentleman. That he’s excellent at what he does goes without saying. The world is poorer losing a really wonderful person. Pray to the Lord to bless and give strength to his family in this tough time. Am grateful for his association, however brief and acknowledge his Contribution to me.


  2. Unbelievable. Heart breaking.
    Let his soul rest in peace.
    Befitting presentation of Guru by his desciple.
    Clement is a moving dictionary especially in NLP. He want to transfer everything he knows to his students. A teacher with a difference. I really miss him.

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