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Media plays a crucial role in facilitating collective action. It amplifies voices, raises awareness, mobilizes supporters, and holds those in power accountable. By leveraging media platforms, individuals and communities...

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Write an article about ‘Slicing and Spacing are two fundamental techniques in every problem solving methods ChatGPT Slicing and Spacing: Two Fundamental Techniques in Problem Solving Problem-solving is an...

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How to deal with mobile addiction | Answer from ChatGPT Mobile addiction, also known as smartphone addiction, is a common issue in today’s digital age. If you find yourself...

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This documentary is about the environment-friendly innovative edible cups. This is developed in the brand name EnchiCrunchi Mr.Deekshit from Mangalore and his team has developed this cup. These are...

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Bondel Laughter Club Helps to laugh Away tensions of Mental Health Students 20-years-old Bondel Laughter Club conducted two one-hour sessions for a total of 100  2nd year Bs. Students of Laxmi...

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Legend Dr. Olinda Pereira was remembered and Celebrated with lot of respect and reverence. Education is the factor that influence ones future. Environment and Experience comes very far when...

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Chain of goodness | Connect 4 People | Form Media Teams at Every Apartment | Independent & Interdependent | Global TV offers you professional services at a nominal fee....

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