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Story Time

Blossoming Beyond Time: The Power of Delayed Success In a quaint village nestled between rolling hills and shimmering lakes, there lived a young woman named Rose. She was known...

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Have you ever thought of the Cosmic Dance of Emotional Gravitation? It is really amazing and so very fantastic to think about it and to ponder on it further...

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Seeking True Human Connection. We are living in a world dominated by screens and virtual connections. We often find ourselves immersed in a sea of faces, yet disconnected from...

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Perfect Balance is the sign of functionality of Infinite Intelligence | Imbalance makes anything nonfunctional | intelligence is lucrative and creative in every respect. The infinite Intelligence that we...

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LEGEND DR. ARUNACHALAM KUMAR THUS WROTE IN THE YEAR 2005 Some decades ago, I had seen the Raj Kapoor magnum opus, Mera Naam Joker. The movie itself was a...

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A Priest deeply connected with his roots By NV Paulose Fr Thomas Parekattil is an inspired Preist in the Catholic order. Simple, loving and caring people without looking at...

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വിശുദ്ധ അമ്മത്രേസ്യായിലൂടെ ആരംഭിച്ച ആത്മീയ നവോത്ഥാനം | Rev. Fr. Joseph Valummel OCD

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