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Global Indian Families

Together, let’s paint a portrait of Ira. Let the Global Village of Ira emerge to be the canvas of Karnataka imprinted in the hearts of people worldwide. In the...

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Customized training modules designed to meet institutional requirements | +91 96336 78896 Buziness Monk is an innovative and pragmatic learning and development platform that offers quality training for aspiring...

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Let the wisdom shared by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Guide us to say no to the gains of capital corruption and to go with the path of truth and...

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Insights on Societal Challenges and Values | Highlights of the talk I must confess that while I am not an environmentalist by profession, I have delved into the study...

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🌹🌹 തിരിച്ചറിവുകളുടെ വെടിക്കെട്ടിന് ഒരാണ്ടിന്റെ ദുഃഖ സ്മരണ🌹🌹 അഡ്വ. ജിജോ മാത്യു പാലാവയൽ സെന്റ് ജോൺസ് ദേവാലയത്തിൽ നടന്ന വെടിക്കെട്ട് ദുരന്തത്തിന് ഒരു വയസ്സ് തികയുന്നു. അപകടത്തിൽ മനസ്സിനും ശരീരത്തിനും മുറിവേറ്റവർ മുക്തരായി വരുന്നു.ദുരന്താനന്തരം ഇരകളോട് സഭ ചെയ്തത് നീതീകരിക്കാനാവാത്ത...

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Is this the smart city that we are envisioned? Is this the vision of the Honorable Prime Minister? Nature is massacred in the name of Smart City Development. Rivers...

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A Grand Voyage Begins: Seven Seas Navigator Initiates New Mangalore’s Cruise Season New Mangalore, December 8, 2023 – The tranquil waters of New Mangalore Port welcomed the arrival of...

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Embracing Accountability leads into A Transformative Path taking you to Enlightenment and Personal Empowerment By Dr. CP Habeeb Rahman Everyone look forward for personal growth and a meaningful life....

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Elevate Your Skills and Capabilities | Join Global TV Fellowship | Work with Legends | Build a Fascinating career for you | Global TV Promote Global TV at your...

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