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Global Indian Families

Renowned scholar and practitioner, Dr. Preethi Keerthi D’Souza, an associate professor at Mangalore University, is set to take center stage at the upcoming ‘Organization Development’ Conference scheduled for October...

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Become and Welcome Green Ambassadors | Lead or Join the Reforestation Drive | Suffer a little to Sustain the heat from the concrete jungle | Stop blaming | Take...

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Emotional Economics: Building an informal referral media circle for Connection, Recognition, Revenue, and Charity Key Principle: The concept of “Emotional Economics” is an approach to foster connections, celebrating success,...

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Best Teacher Awards 2023 – 24 Organized by Global TV and JCI Mangalore Impact, under the leadership of Dr. Ruksana Hassan, Child psychologist, The National UN Volunteers-India, and Social...

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Josi Joseph: Pioneering a Path to Personal Excellence and Happiness with ‘Question Hour’ Koothuparamba, Kerala, India – Josi Joseph, a renowned journalist, author, columnist, counseling psychologist, and educator, has...

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The Finnish Education System: A Model of Excellence Finland’s education system has consistently ranked among the best in the world, drawing international attention and admiration. Its unique approach to...

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The Power of NLP-Based Manifestation: Harnessing Neuro-Linguistic Programming for Realizing Your Dreams. The world of self-improvement, success and personal development has witnessed a huge fascinating convergence of two seemingly...

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Come Out of the Frog Syndrome, Young World! Our Future Is in Our Minds! Connect and Collectively Progress, Take the Best from Every Belief System!! All should lead us...

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