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Global Indian Families

Mad for each other is made for each one of us: Book Review By NV Paulose Life is so meaningful and moments are very precious; This could be the...

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NV Paulose The opportunity today is serendipitous! Like a bumper lottery for a struggling family to make both ends meet. Good news and bad news are always living together...

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Stop Being Stuck in Solving Problems. Let us work for future. If we keep on creating problems and then engage ourselves in solving them, we will end up maintaining...

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every institution including public and private should go for a revenue multiplication model. Naturally, plenty of opportunities also get created for the dynamic people in the society.  This will...

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NV Paulose History is all rotten with confusions and complications. We need to simplify things so that we are not lost amidst confusions. We have become a society that...

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Necessity is Mother of Inventions By Chadurvedi Chandrachud People have become wiser than ever. Leadership skills are learned automatically without someone administering them on to them in batches. We...

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Graceful Launch Amidst Blessings of Rains! Visionaries Join Hands Together!! By Prasad Shetty Moodubidire: Principal Advisor of Heritage Project, Govt. of India,  Dr. C V Anand Bose said, The...

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Invest in People and get your IP Address By NV Paulose It was a challenge when CA Valerian Dalmaida put across a very strange proposal to me! He wanted...

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Our Mangaluru City Can Do Better – Why Corporation Elections Should Matter To You? By Dr. Shreekumar Menon IRS (Rtd.) People all across the globe are working to build...

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That’s the way for exponential growth!! By Ramcharan Mishra Think inside is the theory of a journey. It is a two way journey. It is like the growth of...

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