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We must demand greater accountability from the media and ensure that allegations of sexual harassment are thoroughly investigated before being sensationalized in the public domain. Global TV Editorial 4...

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Harnessing Unused Resources for Sustainable Urban Development | Building a More Inclusive Future is very important | A conversation with Subash Chadra Basu, President of Art Kanara Trust It...

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Introducing MAGNET: Where Visionaries and Dreamers Connect In a world brimming with ideas and innovations, connecting with the right people can be the catalyst that turns a dream into...

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Everyone is focused | what we are lacking is opportunities | Says Dr. Oommen Mammen | A Chronicle of Dreams: From Rag picker to Inspiration | Global TV In...

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Grassroots Economic Empowerment is the need of the hour in India. We should create Combo Career Roles and Career Groups connecting between Media, Tourism, Hospitality, House Keeping and Nursing...

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Harnessing Negative Energy | Convert Weakness into Strength | Elevating Anger and Lust to Positive Forces | Global TV By NV Paulose There are plenty of powerful energies with...

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Fostering a Culture of Respect: Acknowledging Individual Performance Mutual Respect and Operational Freedom (MROF) play major roles in building the dynamics of human interactions. Respect is the cornerstone upon...

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God is closer to the seekers more than that to the godmen who present a distorted image of God to the true seekers. There is a diverse array of...

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It is a call for everyone who is facing adversities in their life to Stay Strong | The universe is with us to build and guide our future By...

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Truly Smart Cities: Learning from the Harmony of the Beehive In the norms of urban development, the term “smart city” often gives images of a slide presentation of an...

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