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No point in Sending Purified water through rusted pipelines! By GVK Menon / NV Paulose    We need contented people to carry out developmental initiatives! Satisfying self is a...

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We are travelling towards perfection! Our destination is yet to come! By John Arora   Why then should we behave like we are perfect and others are not? Better we...

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TTT Crime! That speaks all about them! Unique education system is very unique. Know what is TTT Crime. It is easy then to know how unique is unique and...

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  Two decades Campaign from Dr. SRINIVAS RAMAKA Medical Director of Srinivasa Heart Foundation and Limca Record Holder for the largest CPR Training Program ever conducted in India. You can...

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SIRI NATURE ROOSTS; Vanadevathe opens her homes for guests. By Sylvia Castelino / Ian Lobo  / Canute Pinto / NV Paulose  Another feather in the crown of Rashi Eco...

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Do We Get A Second Chance to Correct Our Mistakes? By Windsaid Wisdom Becoming part of the universe is the best wisdom that every part of it and every...

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Humility and Unity are the outcomes in the aftermath of flood in Kerala and Kodagu; says Prof. Joseph Mechirath, Principal of The Yenepoya School at Mangalore. Me has become...

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Transformation of Politicians is the need of the hour: Dr. CP Habeeb Rahman By Uttam Vishwas    Transformation of politicians is an important requirement today. It is the only...

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Coming to the Centre of purpose is the need of the Hour! By Uttam Vishwas Taking people into confidence is very important in a democratic set up. Giving freedom...

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Opportunity behind the face of disastrous flood threats!! By Santos Kumar Pattanayak / NV Paulose Chinese word is the same for both difficulty and opportunity. The word interestingly justifies...

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