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There is goodness emerging in politics! By NV Paulose We need to build up a habit of reading beyond newspaper reports and some times reading between the lines. Anyone...

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Be Impartial and Non Judgmental Photo Caption: True Nationality is filled in his Personality We human beings are impartial, neutral and natural beings basically. Our make itself is in...

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Rashi Eco Tourism! a Role Model from Karnataka! Photo Caption: SN Ramesh! The Miracle Maker in Tourism Sector India should understand the potential for economic progress in a very...

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Media is not enjoying in the corridors of power! We should go out and be with the people! Photo Caption: Become the Change that you would like to see...

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Today’s Media mostly has a postmortem approach. So called mainstream medias are all are having their agendas in addition to the menace of postmortem reporting. Putting these two together...

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Speed & Direction + Dimensions: (SDD) Speed and direction can reach us to success. That’s fine but that’s not enough to make us fit, worth and effective in today’s...

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