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Silent Revolution

Write a short article about isolated and collective actions ChatGPT Isolated and Collective Actions: Finding Strength in Unity In a world driven by individuality and personal pursuits, the power...

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Shall we start a conversation about the role of media in society building? ChatGPT Absolutely! The role of media in society building is a fascinating and important topic. Media...

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Half of depression is the outcome of lack of appreciation ChatGPT While lack of appreciation can certainly contribute to feelings of sadness and dissatisfaction, it is important to note...

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Who are the wealthiest people in the worldChatGPT As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, some of the wealthiest people in the world were: It is important to...

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How come depression a blessing? Depression reminds you something greater to achieve | It tells you precisely to do something else | Advance or Deviate is the message of...

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Every bend had turned well to become a turning point in life. It had happened every time I was exposed or challenged to take up a new role or...

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വാമനൻ അറുപതിന്റെ നിറവിലാണ് … സുനിൽ ഞാവള്ളി അഡ്വ. ഏ.വി. വാമനകുമാർ ഷഷ്ടിപൂർത്തിയാഘോഷിക്കുന്നുവെന്നത് ആഹ്ളാദകരമായ കാര്യമാണ്. വളരെ അവികസിതമായിരുന്ന, കാസർഗോഡ് ജില്ലയിലെ , കമ്പല്ലൂർ എന്ന ചെറുഗ്രാമത്തിൽ നിന്ന് വന്ന് ലോകത്തോളം വളർന്ന അത്ഭുതമാണ് വാമനൻ ! 2003 ൽ...

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