Investing in Triple C Coaching is an investment in oneself, relationships, and the capacity to effect meaningful change in the world | Global TV

Posted on: August 15, 2023

Unveil the Power within with Triple C Coaching | Nurture Excellence Inside and Outside

In a world that thrives on rapid change and constant evolution, the quest for personal and professional growth has never been more important, as it is demanding today. Triple C Coaching is a transformative program offered by Global TV. The program is rooted in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Principles and Appreciative Inquiry (AI) principles.

Triple C Coaching offers a unique blend of self-discovery and a collaborative future creation. Learning part of the program is divided into two dimensions; Inside and Outside, each consisting of three essential aspects, creating a holistic approach to personal development.

Inside Dimension: Communication, Concentration, Confidence

Communication, concentration, and confidence are the foundational pillars of personal excellence. Effective communication skills not only enhance our interactions with others but also shape our self-expression and understanding. Concentration, often challenged by the distractions of the modern world, is vital for achieving our goals with efficiency and focus. Confidence is the key that unlocks our potential, propelling us to take risks and embrace challenges.

Outside Dimension: Cooperation, Collaboration, Co-Creation

The outside dimension of Triple C Coaching focuses on the art of building strong relationships and fostering innovation. Cooperation, the foundation of healthy relationships, enables individuals to work harmoniously with others towards common goals. Collaboration takes cooperation a step further by merging diverse perspectives, skills, and talents to achieve greater results collectively. Co-creation, the pinnacle of the outside dimension, encourages participants to contribute their unique strengths in shaping new ideas and solutions.

The initiative will continue further with Internship programs in various areas to up skill students with experience and exposure. Triple C Coaching recognizes the need of strengthening these attributes. Training with experience and exposure lead to the make of empowered individuals who can navigate life’s complexities with ease and grace. The program will identify revenue models in Internship in line with Digital Tourism Guides (DTG), Micro Tourism Explorers (MTE) and Collective Farming Experts (CFE). There will be dimensions optional further.

In a world that thrives on interconnectedness, Triple C Coaching acknowledges the significance of practice and performance being major attributes for creating and nurturing impactful individuals, team players who are innovative and dynamic.

The Power of NLP and Appreciative Inquiry:

Triple C Coaching draws inputs from the powerful principles of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Appreciative Inquiry (AI). NLP, a psychological approach to communication and personal development, helps individuals rewire their thought patterns and behaviors for positive outcomes. AI, on the other hand, fosters a strengths-based approach, focusing on what is working well rather than dwelling on limitations. Collectively it becomes a complete circle of excellence.

Triple C Coaching is a structured and effective way to navigate our inner landscape while creating positive changes in the external environment.

Team Approach: Tailored Transformation

Triple C structure consists of three-hour sessions. It is a half day program. It allows participants to pace on their own speed and delve deeply into each aspect of the Triple C framework. This approach ensures that individuals have ample time to grasp the concepts, practice the techniques, and integrate them into their lives.

Affordability for All: Value Beyond Price

One standout feature of Triple C Coaching is its affordability. Priced at ₹999/- per person per session, the program aims to make transformative coaching accessible to a wide range of individuals. The value derived from enhanced communication, heightened concentration, boosted confidence, improved cooperation, collaborative expertise, and co-creation skills far surpasses the monetary investment.

Triple C Coaching stands out as a testament to the power of teamwork in holistic personal development. By nurturing the internal dimensions of communication, concentration, and confidence, while simultaneously fostering the external attributes of cooperation, collaboration, and co-creation, this program paves the way for holistic excellence. Rooted in NLP and AI principles, this coaching journey empowers participants to shape their destinies with purpose, intention, and a deep sense of connection with the larger society and global world.

Investing in Triple C Coaching is an investment in oneself, relationships, and the capacity to effect meaningful change in the world. Amid life’s dynamic changes, Triple C Coaching serves as a guiding compass, helping individuals navigate challenges and seize opportunities with unwavering confidence. The path to personal and collective growth begins with Triple C Coaching. It is a transformative journey of discovery, collaboration, and impact.

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