This 14 Minutes Hypnotic Meditation Can Transform Your Life!

Posted on: January 19, 2021

You get it free when you have done 40 Hours Social Service in selected areas of priorities!

By NV Paulose

Learning of the 14 Minutes hypnotic meditation will change your outlook and approach towards life and society. You will find a new meaning about your life and about your future. This meditation method is developed on the principles of Neuro Linguistic Programming. This is added with several experimented and proven steps in making the mind into matter.

The idea of 14 Minutes Hypnotic Meditation training given free is to attract attention of youth towards burning social issues like hunger, shelter and survival of the less privileged and differently abled people in the society. Along with this the youth will be trained to unleash the hidden potential within their own unconscious minds. This is a social drive for the large good.

In society we come across with very dedicated people who are struggling to help the less privileged and differently abled segment of the society. Some of them are individuals who are alone and some others are individuals isolated silently within congregations. Both categories of them need support from the larger society for keeping their dream project alive.

Many social initiatives by various congregations die once the visionary founder dies. Congregations silently acquire the wealth generated through social initiatives and convert them into commercial ventures. Many social ventures like Palliative care are done to a minimum scale just to keep the society donating continuously just for adding up to their huge bank accounts. Creating a status and maintaining the status quo there after is their strategy. This happens when the vessel is not heated up.

We are looking upon the true visionaries who are really amazed the society with their lofty ideas and missionary approach. Many of them have dreams over dreams that require large social support and greater youth participation. We are connecting visionaries with the youth so that the society is ultimately benefitted in large scale. Anyone who has training modules can adopt this method to help the visionaries with lofty ideas and youth who are willing to work for the least and the last in the society.

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