Million opportunities open up when we are connected both ways! Talk & Listen! Do it Globally and Locally!
By Savithree Maharaj
Delhi to Village is the fundamental Media Principle. This was presented in different ways by different media initiatives. The very purpose of Media is to reach every positive information that are helpful to every people. Information should reach right people at right time. Communication should become dynamic and multi dimensional at the very same time.
There need to be involvement and participation of large number of youth in the program. The youth should connect the rest of the people into a chain of activities. We need to change today’s journalism into ACTION JOURNALISM.
Ideas into Action
One of the major problems in development process is the gap between ideas and people. Nothing works without participation of people. Involvement of people is possible when we start to listen to them. There are thousands of ways to bring development in society. Problem is when we insist a particular method.
Give people an opportunity to lead!

People only can transform a nation into a developed nation, says CA Valerian Dalmaida, Abu Dhabhi. He is a great personality who is very much connected to his roots. Willing to share his fortune with like minded people, he always inspire people to come up with solutions for themselves and for others. One should take care of self first. Once that is being done, one has a responsibility to help others to stand on their own. Many things that are not possible is possible when done together with others. Involve large number of people when we need to transform a large society. This is the philosophy that he advocates and does.
Collaboration is the way ahead. Establishments should collaborate with people. Doors of social organisations should be opened for people to come in and work with them on social causes. There are plenty of social issues that we can address with mass campaigns. Mass Media has a major role to play in this regard. No media need to compete with another media. Let each one compete within to improve their competence. Improving quality of performance is the way to progress.
Enmity is an old concept. It has no meaning in today’s globalized world. Principles of Synergy is an advantage for everyone. Your outcome multiply when you collaborate with others. Competition is a waste of energy. People are not employed and they are not rightfully engaged in constructive activities. This is the major issue in India when compared with advanced nations. People find ways to progress and everyone create ways for others since it is helpful for themselves as well; says CA Valerian Dalmaida.
Delhi to Village!
Delhi to Village is a concept that create channels for two way communications. Thoughts are shared from Delhi to Village. Thoughts are also shared from Village to Delhi as well. This create multiple communications and subsequent actions. All are done in communication with all sides. Once action is taken place, another set of communication for evaluation of the performance is done. It is positive inquiry more than finding falts with others. People perform well when they are appreciated.
Mahatma Gandhi said; True India is in the Rural Villages. Every village has to become a Global Village. It is possible today. Digital connectivity has created a way ahead. Let us march forward in the way ahead. We can create opportunity for large number of people in this way. New thinking is required. Innovative thinking need a different approach. We need to Learn, Unlearn and Relearn. There are unknown ways to address problems that are known to us today. As we walk the road ahead also become visible.
Evolve More Revenue Models:
Every collective activity should evolve in a Revenue Model. Either by finding ways in solving existing issues or by finding ways to add value to someone. The best way is to look forward for new opportunities to add value to someone. There are plenty of things that can be done with a collective and collaborative approach. Connecting people globally itself is a large economic activity. We need to create them carefully when we want more people to be included in the revenue circles. How can people live a better life when they are not able to earn a living for themselves.
Economic activities can automatically be evolved when we identify the resources that are available with us and around us. There are plenty of resources that are not being utilized. People themselves are great resources. We should value ourselves first. Also other resources, perishable and those who are diminishing in value as time goes.
Plenty of resources are under utilized around us. Can we identify them and put them into use? This question can be taken up at governmental level or at people to people level. Let us do it in the second way. The first can be impressed upon little later.