
Global Ambassadors | Nominations are Invited | Institutions are Invited to Partner | Together We shall Honor the Achievers | Global TV

Posted on: October 14, 2023

Invitation for Nominations: Global Ambassador Award

Global TV is pleased to announce the commencement of nominations for the prestigious “Global Ambassador” award. This award recognizes exceptional achievers who have not only made a mark on the global stage but have also demonstrated remarkable support for their native educational institutions and communities.

Purpose of the Award:

The “Global Ambassador” award celebrates individuals who have achieved exceptional success in their respective fields while also making significant contributions to humanitarian causes. We believe in honoring those whose achievements go hand in hand with their commitment to uplifting their communities.

Award Presentation:

The award presentation takes place at reputed educational institutions located in the home towns of the awardees as part of various celebratory events. These events include exclusive gatherings and Global TV shooting for the award recipients.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria:

Awardees are chosen based on their exceptional achievements, humanitarian work, and their contributions to their home institutions and communities. Nominees must have made a substantial impact on both a global scale and within their home communities.

Nomination Deadline:

Nominations for the “Global Ambassador” award are accepted on an ongoing basis. The award is announced twice a year.

How to Nominate?

To submit a nomination or for more information, kindly send a brief profile of the nominee to the Chairman of Global TV at +91 98441 82044. You can directly call for more information as well.

Partner with Us:

Educational institutions are encouraged to partner in the award process. Institutions are free to receive donations from the awardees for charitable works and social empowerment projects in their communities.

Global TV is committed to recognizing those who have not only excelled in their fields but have also made a profound impact on society. Join us in honoring the Global Ambassadors whose dedication to both global success and community betterment serves as an inspiration to all.

We look forward to your nominations and collaborations in this noble endeavor.

NV Paulose


Global TV

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