
Minding the Gap | A Self Cautionary Note | It is equally important to Godmen and Religious Authorities | Global TV

Posted on: March 18, 2024

God is closer to the seekers more than that to the godmen who present a distorted image of God to the true seekers.

There is a diverse array of religious authorities and spiritual leaders in societies across the world. Some of them wield considerable influence over their followers. These figures, often revered as Godmen or spiritual guides, hold significant power in shaping the beliefs and practices of their communities. Many of these leaders genuinely seek to uplift and inspire the people along with building their collective wealth and prosperity. There are also instances where the deliberations, actions and teachings of some of them deviate into dangerous territories that are eventually leading to the manipulation and exploitation of the faithful.

It is binding upon us to recognize the potential dangers posed by Godmen and religious authorities who misrepresent the nature of God and employ fear tactics to control and manipulate laypeople. Just as commuters are cautioned to “mind the gap” between the train and the platform for their safety, so too must we heed the warning signs of spiritual manipulation and distortion of truth.

At the heart of this issue lies the misuse of religious authority to instill fear and anxiety in the hearts of believers. Whether through threats of punishment or through promises of salvation, the godmen are seeking unquestioning obedience from the fearful or faithful. Godmen and religious authorities who exploit the innate human desire for meaning and transcendence to further their own agendas should know the gap between themselves and the God.

God is closer to the seekers more than that to the godmen who present a distorted image of God to the true seekers. Instead of presenting a loving, compassionate deity, they paint a picture of a vengeful, wrathful God who punishes those who dare to question or dissent. This portrayal not only fosters fear and anxiety but also undermines the very essence of spirituality, which is rooted in love, kindness, and empathy. God is watching all of them with compassion and caution.

Godmen propagate a hierarchical and authoritarian view of religious practice. They position themselves as intermediaries between the individual and the divine. They claim exclusive access to divine knowledge and blessings. They seek to control every aspect of their followers’ lives, from their beliefs and behaviors to their financial regulations towards their favourite contributions.

It is imperative that we should caution ourselves against the unchecked power and influence of Godmen and religious authorities. We must encourage critical thinking, independent inquiry, and a healthy skepticism of any individual or institution that claims to possess absolute truth or divine authority. Those who divide people in the name of God are the evils in any progressive society.

We must advocate transparency and accountability in religious organizations, holding leaders accountable for their actions and ensuring that they prioritize the well-being and spiritual growth of their people above all else. The true essence of spirituality lies in fostering a deep and personal connection with the divine, free from fear, coercion, or manipulation. God is always closer to the seekers.

Just as passengers are urged to mind the gap between the train and the platform for their safety, we should remind the godmen to be vigilant in safeguarding their spiritual space and distance from the omnipotent and omnipresent God. How are you distancing yourselves from the divinity that is closer to you?

We should mind the gap between God and the distorted depictions propagated by unscrupulous Godmen and religious authorities. By promoting discernment, empowerment, and a genuine pursuit of truth and authenticity, we can do our spiritual journey with clarity, integrity, and resilience.

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