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Global Indian Families

Cost of Unnecessary Capital is the Cause of Collapse! By NV Paulose We should be able to multiply revenue without incurring additional investments. The equation is simple. It is...

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People in power think they can do everything! By NV Paulose People in power always show arrogance. Everything move according to my will; says the power centre. And they...

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Out of the Box is for people who are in the box! Says SN Ramesh Being inbox is possible only for syllabus based people says SN Ramesh, Mg. Director...

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Youth Activation is the need of the hour! By Sylvia Castelino There is reservation everywhere. There are reasons for that and purpose for each such decisions. We are not...

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Tomoto is just a Symbol; It applies everywhere! By Hruday Raj Dr. Fazal calls and cries saying the road is fully blooded with Tomatos run over by large vehicles!...

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There is goodness emerging in politics! By NV Paulose We need to build up a habit of reading beyond newspaper reports and some times reading between the lines. Anyone...

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Media and Medium are different! Photo Caption: Sam Pitroda; Father of Indian Digital Revolultion at Yenepoya University People get confused with media and medium very often. Many may think...

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Be Impartial and Non Judgmental Photo Caption: True Nationality is filled in his Personality We human beings are impartial, neutral and natural beings basically. Our make itself is in...

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Rashi Eco Tourism! a Role Model from Karnataka! Photo Caption: SN Ramesh! The Miracle Maker in Tourism Sector India should understand the potential for economic progress in a very...

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Media is not enjoying in the corridors of power! We should go out and be with the people! Photo Caption: Become the Change that you would like to see...

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