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Indian political climate is conducive for Youth entrepreneurship. By CA GS Kamath / NV Paulose Agriculture to Rural Industrialization:Options are plenty: India is at the junction of transformation. It...

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Drawing lines between Human and Snakes! By Prasadam Industries When we came across a few villagers beating a non-venomous Rat Snake to death for merely being a snake it...

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Alert Signal to the Academic World! Situation is like IT Boom! Do not miss the flight says Enrico Piperno; the Tennis Legend. By NV Paulose / Ian Lobo Ian...

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One Theme! One Million Career Contact (M) 9844182044 (W) 8762895418 India at this juncture require mass campaigns that can create large career avenues for the youngsters. Large number of...

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Lot of Imaginations that can take us into New Dimensions! By Dr. K. Sankaran The world of uniformity of thinking, right versus wrong, clear demarcations of self and the...

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Cost of Unnecessary Capital is the Cause of Collapse! By NV Paulose We should be able to multiply revenue without incurring additional investments. The equation is simple. It is...

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People in power think they can do everything! By NV Paulose People in power always show arrogance. Everything move according to my will; says the power centre. And they...

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Out of the Box is for people who are in the box! Says SN Ramesh Being inbox is possible only for syllabus based people says SN Ramesh, Mg. Director...

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Youth Activation is the need of the hour! By Sylvia Castelino There is reservation everywhere. There are reasons for that and purpose for each such decisions. We are not...

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Tomoto is just a Symbol; It applies everywhere! By Hruday Raj Dr. Fazal calls and cries saying the road is fully blooded with Tomatos run over by large vehicles!...

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