Career Development Movement By Esther Anthony A large movement for exploring every avenue for creating large employment opportunities in the country. This is for the people and by the...
Make progress without additional Capital. By NV Paulose 98441 82044 What you have in hand is very important. What would you do with what you have is also equally...
By NV Paulose, Founder Global TV We come from a history. We have a history beyond our birth. Some religious say about rebirth and some other religions connected it...
By NV Paulose, Founder Global TV Can you do it? Yes! That’s one of the best ways to resolve conflicts between individuals who are connected and concerned with each...
By NV Paulose, Founder of Global TV Happiness is everyone’s look out. People but can often get into negativity when they are not carefully concentrate and create positivity. There...
Welcome Move… Brian Fernandes / NV Paulose It was the famous American Actor Denzel Washington who said “At the end of the day it’s not about what you have...
Integrated farming is the way ahead! Let us go systematic so that we make it a great leap!! Dr. Shivakumar Magada
Prepare well before so that you make your dream destination easier to achieve Dr. PP Devan and Dr. Indu Varier guide you through the wonderful road map to American...
Changing Times should have Innovative Thinking By Sham Bhat Parents are struggling to control children from the use of mobile phones and modern Gadgets. There is very less time...
Destructive impact of illicit drugs! By Be Alert Seminar discusses the destructive impact of illicit drugs Demand is soaring across the country for untested concoctions of psychoactive substances that...
LANDMARK DEALINGS | To connect and to place landmark...
To her children; Sanu, Sethu, and Suku, she was...
Writing with Thinking is a Career by Itself; Connect...
The 19th Branch of MCC Bank Ltd., was inaugurated...
The Future of AI and Social Media: Dr. Sam...
Home Editions and Team Editions | Expandi UDF Ventures...
സർവ്വ ശക്തനായ ദൈവത്തിനു സ്തുതിയും ആരാധനയും എല്ലായ്പ്പോഴും അർപ്പിച്ചുകൊണ്ട് ഞങ്ങൾ യാത്ര...
Sahakara Bharati Celebrates International Women’s Day, Emphasizes the Role...