Stop Being Stuck in Solving Problems. Let us work for future.
If we keep on creating problems and then engage ourselves in solving them, we will end up maintaining our status co being where we are today. To progress we need to do something else. Solving problems helps to maintain the same position. To grow means to work for it. Editors club is a movement in line with the idea of Lions Club. Reputed people coming together to mentor youngsters is the idea. Mentors and Youngsters together can build the nation very well and very fast. Below PDF File give you lot of details about Editors club and the people working for it. You can easily relate with the concept and create an EDITORS CLUB at your place by connecting with few like minded mentors and few dynamic students and youth
Below is the PDF file detailing EDITORS CLUB CONCEPT
Global TV is the first internet TV in the world. We are proud that we have released a prayer song composed by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam when he was President of India. You can watch the video at the bottom of the page. Our Editorial Vision is the same as described in the prayer song. We are sure you too share the same vision.
Dr. Kalam’s Prayer for India Released by Global TV ON 25 July 2007
Form an Editors Club with Global TV in Your Campus, your Editors Club can become a catalyst for positive change, empowering individuals and contributing to the nation’s progress.
Establishing an Editors Club in your community can serve as a dynamic platform for mentorship and collaboration. By bringing together experienced professionals and enthusiastic youth, such a club can facilitate the exchange of knowledge, skills, and experiences, fostering personal growth and community development. This initiative aligns with the principles of organizations like the Lions Club, Rotary Club etc. emphasizing service and leadership.
Engaging in structured programs, such as the Young Editors Program, can further enhance the effectiveness of your Editors Club. This program offers virtual sessions that provide mentorship, guidance, and support as participants in their editorial journey. The emphasis is on cultivating critical thinking, writing, and editing abilities, as well as fostering curiosity, team spirit, leadership, and problem-solving skills. The program is designed to accommodate every student, focusing more on their natural skills and inquisitiveness.